Julius Baer Group Ltd. / Schlagwort(e): Zwischenbericht
Interim management statement for die first zehn Monate 2024*
21.11.2024 / 07:00 CET/CEST
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Deutscher Anstieg der Kundenvermögen – Beschleunigte Nettozuflüsse – Solide Kapitalausstattung – Neuer CEO tritt sein Amt am 9. Januar 2025 an.
Zurich, November 21, 2024 – In the first month of the 2024 annual meeting, Julius acquired a positive assessment of the total assets (AuM), with the benefit of a net-new payment since the end of June. The group’s CET1 capital ratio was high at 16.7% and reflected the strong capital-generating nature of the Julius Bär Gruppe’s business models. Stefan Bollinger, the designer of CEO of Julius Bär, said on January 9, 2025 that he was done.
AuM-Wachstum um 12% on CHF 480 Billion. – Beschleunigte Nettozuflüsse
In the first month of 2024, the AuM would be at CHF 480 Billion. and, only 12% of them had started years ago. The combined assets are worth CHF 570 billion. a new Höchstwert. The Anstieg from the AuM is one of the strong Aktienmark and solid Nettozuflüsse of CHF 11 Billion. zurückzuführen. If you are positive, if Halbjahr zum Tragen kam, it will take four months.
Considering the first half year 2024 (H1 2024), as net income of CHF 3.7 billion. (annualisiertes Wachstum 1.7%) were delivered, which is reflected in the Net Neugeld im Zeitraum July to October 2024 at CHF 7.5 Billion. (annualisiertes Wachstum 4.8%). These transactions can be large in size when they are aware of the repayment in November. This transaction is executed with a term of July to October 4.2%.
Das Netto-Neugeld stems from Domizil’s power in strategic market markets in Europe (covering all Great Britain and Germany), in Asia (including Singapore and Indische) in Nahen Osten (headquarters in the UAE). The effect of free financing through time that it is possible to undergo the former German abolition.
In the first month of the year 2024, the Zahl of the Kundenberater is occupied by 46 Vollzeitstellen (FTE) with 1,389 FTE.
Gross margin 83 Basic point
In the first period of the Monats of the years 2024, the Gross Margin sank to 83 Basispuntte (Bp). Für das Gesamtjahr 2023 hatte die zugrunde ligende** Gross margin 88 Bp.
In the Zeitraum July to October 2024 I believed the gross margin was at 81 Bp, but a Rückgang was made in the first half of 2024, which amounted to 85 Bp. This is at the level of the month of May to June 2024 (under the Ausschluss des Verlusts in Zusammenhang mit dem Verkauf von Kairos in May 2024):
- The Gross Margin Beitrag from wiederkehrenden Erträgen (innerhalb des Erfolgs aus dem Kommissions- und Dienstleistungsgeschäft) sank slightly to 37 Bp (H1 2024: 38 Bp). The war begins during the four months when the Entkonsolidierung von Kairos collapses in May 2024.
- The sense-loving ones Erträge Steuerten 23 Bp (H1 2024: 24 Bp) zur Gross margin bei; of 7 Bp (H1 2024: 10 Bp) for the results of the financial statements and 16 Bp (H1 2024: 14 Bp) for the payment of Treasury Swaps (inner half of the results of the financial instruments of FVTPL***) her.
- The active recipients will receive 21 Bp (H1 2024: 24 Bp) in gross margin, including 10 Bp (H1 2024: 10 Bp) on the non-performing contribution of the employees and 11 Bp (H1 2024: 14 Bp) with a loss of 11 Bp (H1 2024: 14 Bp) with a loss of 11 Bp (H1 2024: 14 Bp) with the purchase of Treasury Swaps (innerhalb des Erfolgs aus Finanz Instruments bewertet zu FVTPL) in Verbindung standsen. If a seasonal character is given, the quarter becomes better that active activities start in October.
Cost-income ratio 71% and Vorsteuer margin 24 Bp
The adjusted cost-income ratio is 71%, compared to 69% (lied) in the month of 2023. The adjustment of the previous margin is 24 Bp, in the future 26 Bp (lied) in the month of 2023.
Starke Kapitalausstattung
In der Schweiz during the final Basel-3-Standard (B3F) as of January 1, 2025. In the first month of the year 2024, the group’s CET1 capital ratio remained at current standards of 16.7% (end of 2023: 14.6%), while the capital ratio was higher at 24.7% (end of 2023: 24 .0%). This Entwicklung is one of the results during the further term of the Umkehr (Pull-to-Par) of the Wertminderung (in the years 2021 and 2022) of the Treasury Portfolio of the composite group of the Group (zum FVOCI**** (regarding financial assets) in any case due to a further increase in the Private-Debt-Kreditbuchs with an amount of CHF 0.4 billion. (End 2023: CHF 0.8 billion; End June 2024: CHF 0.6 billion) with a credit risk weight of 100 percent.
At these levels, the CET1 quote and the group capital quote of the group are slightly higher than the own Lower Borders of the Group of 11% bzw. 15% see the German über-regulatory mindestanforderungen of 8.3% bzw. 12.5%.
After the withdrawal of the AT1-Anleihe 2017 (Gesamtbetrag of USD 300 million) in September 2024, the Group’s Tier 1 leverage ratio remained at 4.8% (End 2023: 4.9%) and fell significantly to the regulators Anforderung of 3.0%.
The group has spent the time, the IFRS consolidation for the Gesamtjahr 2024 deutlich über jenem des Gesamtjahres 2023 liest.
The new CEO Stefan Bollinger will start on January 9, 2025
In July 2024, Stefan Bollinger’s representative was appointed Chief Executive Officer. The group can now be labeled, while Stefan Bollinger will be notified on Julius Bär on January 9, 2025.
Q&A webcast
After the interim management statements for the first month of the year 2024, during the CFO Evie Kostakis Vertretene Geschäftsleitung by Julius Bär, an 8.00 Uhr (MEZ) a Frage-und-Antwort-Runde with analysts. The webcast can be broadcast live and can be viewed via the website www.juliusbaer.com/webcasts.
* Based on an uncontrolled bet. This medium term is the best financial knowledge that the IFRS is not definitive or has no longer been determined. I find definitions in the Chapter «Alternative Performance Measures» of the half year report 2024 (nur in English version) below www.juliusbaer.com/berichte.
** Zugrunde ligend: Unter Ausschluss der Erhöhung der Wertberichtigungen auf der grosssten Private-Debt-Einzelposition um CHF 586 Mio. I am H2 2023.
*** Fair value through profit or loss (erfolgswirksam zum Fair Value bewertet).
**** Fair value via the other total income (zum Fair Value durch das sonstige Ergebnis bewertet).
Please contact us
Media Relations, Tel. +41 (0) 58 888 8888
Investor Relations, Tel. +41 (0) 58 888 5256
Wichtige Termine
3. February 2025: Veröffentlichung und Präsentation des Jahresergebnisses 2024
17. March 2025: Veröffentlichung des Geschäftsberichts 2024, einschliesslich des Vergütungsberichts 2024
17. March 2025: Veröffentlichung des Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2024
April 10, 2025: Generalversammlung, Zurich
Over Julius Bär
Julius Bär is the new Schweizer Wealth-Management-Gruppe and a first-class market in the global sector, focused on the personal bereuung and beratung approach to private activities. If you orient trading when you don’t have mountain orders, you can make more money than the financial situation. As of the end of October 2024, they believed the assets would reach CHF 480 billion. The Bank Julius Bär & Co. AG, the renowned Privatbank, founded in 1890 in Zurückreichen, is the main operational company of Julius Bär Gruppe AG, the Aktien and the SIX Swiss Exchange (Ticker-Symbol: BAER) kotiert and Teil des Swiss Leader Index (SLI) since 30 grössten and liquidests Schweizer Aktien umfasst.
Julius Bär is present in 25 Ländern and 60 Standorten. Mit Hauptsitz in Zurich has a number of locations in Bangkok, Dubai, Dublin, Frankfurt, Geneva, Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Mailand, Mexico City, Monaco, Mumbai, Santiago de Chile, São Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Tel Aviv and Tokyo. If you have a focused vision, if you have an objective on the basis of Julius Bär’s offenen product platform, if you have a solid financial foundation, you can create an onternehmmeric management culture that enables an international reference in asset management.
More information can be found on our website below www.juliusbaer.com
Disclaimer for zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen
This Medienmitteilung der Julius Bär Gruppe AG (‘the Unternehmen’) has a rapid analysis of the facts, including the insights, assessments of current developments and forecasts of the society over their future, financial, liquid, and financial resources. Aussichten, Stratingen, Möglichkeiten und das Geschäftsumfeld, in dem sich bewegt, broaderspiegeln. Zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen umfassen alle Ereignisse, which state small historical facts. De Gesellschaft hat versucht, die Aussagen durch die Verwendung von Worten wie «könnte», «wird», «sollte», «erwartet», «beabsichtigt», «schätzt», «sieht voraus», «glaubt», «versucht», «plant», «sagt voraus» und ähnlichen Begriffen zu kennzeichnen. Solche-aussagen were included in the Grundlage of Schätzungen and Erwartungen-gemacht, although they could act as false herausstellen, the Gesellschaft and the jetzigen-zeitpunkt would be considered a daunting task.
These are related to risks, uncertainty, uncertainty and other factors, which could lead to success, which are responsible for the economics of the society, financial support, liquidity, guidance, security and economics of the society. of the market, where the sales organization works or through the management of the company’s activities, we think it concerns zukunftsoriented products outside the door. Which factors, which could influence the way in which they operate, are based on the following: Changes in the Geschäftsoder Marktumfelds, legislative, regulatory or regulatory environment, the general economic environment in Switzerland, the European Union and otherwise those Möglichkeiten der Gesellschaft, op Entwicklungen in de financiennes des financial services. Zusätzliche Factoren kan infussen the tatsächlichen Resulte, Leistungen or Errungenschaften wesentlich. Before the background information is displayed, the teaching material will be shortened if you use one of the following health-oriented reins to loosen. The Society and the Tochtergesellschaften, the Direktoren, Manager, Arbeitnehmer and Berater übernehmen do not have any obligation and supervision on nieces, Aktualisierungen or Korrekturen irgendwelcher in dieser Medienmitteilung enthaltener zkunftsgerichteter Aussagen vorzunehmen or other matters in healthcare or society of Ereignissen, Bedingungen und Umstandden, or die zkunftsgerichteten basic, mitsuteilen, anyway dies nicht by applicable law or regulatory Bestimmungen vorgeschrieben ist.
End of the Adhoc-Mitteilung
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