Dr. Lela Ahlemann says: This is the top treatment against pigment spots

Dr. Lela Ahlemann says: This is the top treatment against pigment spots

by Lale Bruß

21.11.2024, 12:29 Uhr

During the GALA Beauty Talk I spoke to the editor Lea Diemel-Rellecke and the dermatologist Dr. Lela Ahlemann about the absolute top treatment for pigment spots and scars, the man who can never be treated from the outside again.

Pigment spots erzählen Geschichten – von sonnigen Tagen, hormonalllen Veränderungen or der einfachen Zeichen der Zeit, die unsere Haut. Diese Spiegel has a Lebensgeschichte that is charming and has achieved an individuality of individuality, which has fallen into a single mistake. If you are the Flecken, it is best to go here.

Dr. Lela Ahlemann: DAS is the absolute top treatment

Sun protection It is an invisible Schutzschild for the Haut, which must take care of Angriffen der Sonne. These can be removed from Sonnenstrahl or Pigmentflecken. It wasn’t too bad either, one of the best things was that it was good and it was so schützen. A smaller Tropfen Sun protection is more like a Pflege-Routine, an investment in the prosperity and beauty of the Haut.

It is not the case that other people can even think of anything, about the Haut vor der Sonne zu schützen. You will find this information in the video of the faculty expert Dr. Lela Ahlemann.

So take care of your heart and soul

From the outside you can use the Haut vor Sonne and therefore the Pigmentflecken-schützen. A treatment is given, with the highest point of the inner heraus schützen können. Carotinoid and antioxidant action of the substance, which removes the boiling point from the inside of the main base. It is no longer the case that the Farbenpracht of having your own lifestyle has a healthy lifestyle.

I am “GALA Beauty Talk”-Video verrät de dermatology Dr. Lela Ahlemann, in Welchen Lebensmitteln diese und in Welcher Combination des Faktoren de Schutz is de beste gewähren können.




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