On the last shopping day from November 20 to 21, 2024, at Alex, in Haute-Savoie, a situation on an agricultural property is a fire hazard. Le sinistre a tué 200 chèvres.
A fire is declared in the new business at an agricultural exploitation site in Chantapot, near Alex, under the care of Annecy.
A castle of 800 m2 and a storage shed of 200 m2 it is a matter of advice, report France 3. Le feu s’est déclenché vers minuit et demi, at the level of the chèvrerie, entraînant la mort de 215 caprinés.
50 firemen mobilized
Selon Le Dauphiné Libéré50 sapeurs-pompiers, munis de four lances you must mobilize where you are in the flames.
Grace à leur intervention, the living situation on the agricultural exploitation is a protected state. Once the time comes, a detonation operation goes on and on. If all goes well, the circumstances of the fire remain undetermined.
Lately, report France blueA sinister parable has devastated an operation in Haute-Vienne. 500 caprines Make sure you are not familiar with the fire hazard area. The building of 2,200 meters squares is destroyed by the flames.
This is the source of drama for agricultural operators: “It’s all a matter of time, it’s part of it. It’s always a question of how to use the aid, especially psychologically”, déploraient les pompiers intervenus sur place.
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