Stefan Raab in the new series of “So winnst hier nicht die Million”.Image: RTL+/ Raab ENTERTAINMENT / Christos Lappas
No, Stefan Raab is not politically correct. Under the Showmaster who was a bit stale, it was a matter of doing it. Ganz im Gegenteil, de critique op de altbackenen Witzen in seiner neuen Show “Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million” shin de 58-Jährigen eher noch anzustacheln.
In the new broadcast of the Show, which is Mittwochabend on RTL+ abrufbar, Raab is jedenfalls wieder of power and schoss dabei teilweise übers Ziel hinaus. This happened on the 82nd day. In the meantime, US President Joe Biden was invited to the new RTL show “Golden Bachelor” with his announcement by the Kakao he saw.
“That is who is Original. Nur with Leuten, die schon am Jenseits schnuppern”, says Raab with Blick on the Spin-off of the RTL-Kuppelshow, with the jetzt Seniorinnen a Senior-Bachelor-werben. “As RTL Chef, I would like to see that Paul Janke has become the first ‘Golden Bachelor’. After all, he is the first 70,” white Raab.
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Then the image of the Golden-Bachelor candidates and the names for them. Man wolle yes schließlich delete, wer dabei ist. “Der Sieger kriegt eine Packung Granu Fink, order was?”, Fragment Raab daraufhin in Richtung des Publikums. “Age-Shaming? Check! Fat-Shaming has never happened in Sendung,” one can say.
Stefan Raab might bitterböse Witze über Ricarda Lang
A small effort is “Grünen-Shaming” and an expansion of participation in the stock market. Everything was written by Ricarda Lang zur Zielscheibe von Raab’s bitterbösen Witzen.
Zunächst bezeichnete is politics as “Maite Kelly der Politik” was for the Gelächter-sorgte. Dann is one of the results of the Grünen-Chefin divorce.
The war lasted a long time, the Swiss Omid Nouripour and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock saß. Baerbock provided the few people with a bag for a long time and then wished the Tisch for the Parteikollegin ab, where Nouripour was in the Kameraschaute.
“So fell zum Thema Rollenbilder. Bei den Grünen müssen immer noch die Frauen putzen”, white Raab. And more: “Toxic Männlichkeit. Was the eigentlich erased? Bratensoße or was?” Raunen and Gelächter in Publikum.
Stefan Raab serves his white populist background
But Raablege noch nach. If you spend longer looking at the time, it’s a good idea to do this. “Bitte? Sie will im Bundestag bleiben?”, fragment in Richtung des Publikums. “Is it true that we continue with the Bürgern through time? Darf man das in them Fall sagen?”, fragment of the Showmaster continues.
Ricarda regularly has offers from Haas and Hetze on social media. Dass Raab with his Witzen in the gleiche Kerbe schlug and populist Vorurteile served, is fragile. When you sound the Applause for the Solche Späße-kommt, the Showmaster clearly shows jedenfalls. If it’s okay with you, it’s okay.
Nun reiche is aber mit de Fat-Shaming-Witzen, erklärte Raab absschließend, würden schließlich das Jahr 3024 schreiben. “Bitte? Oh well, we’ll have the first 2024! Then we’ll never have it,” says a laughing person who is proud of his own Flachwitz.
Ansonsten can be found in the Comedy-Teil show with the most popular songs: Florian Silbereisen, Dieter Bohlen, Kai Pflaume and above all Harald Glööckler.
Premiere: Candidate Axel Rehker won two games against Stefan Raab
Dann started winning the part of “So here niece die Million”, and it became a success. After Pamela Reif’s battle against fitness influences in the war, Laura Wontorra moderated the game.
“Laura du hast schick gemacht heute. Not so abgeranzt who at the Fußballplatz”, thank Raab the sports moderator in wenig schmeichelhaft.
Raabs Gegner war Axel Rehker from Oberstenfeld, if he gets into trouble, the correct answer to the Auswahlfrage das Recht gesichert hatte, will be answered by the Showmaster. Und für Rehker likes a good intestine.
Candidate Axel Rehker, Laura Wontorra and Stefan Raab (from left) on the Kart-Strecke.Image: RTL+/ Raab ENTERTAINMENT / Christos Lappas / Folge 01_010
There is a short version of “Neon Pong”, which contains a light version of “Beer Pong”. I play a game when it’s difficult, with Elektro-Karts that have the fastest run on a small racing track in the Studio of your life.
“Muss ich die Armschoner anziehen?”, excerpt Stefan Raab, before it is in his card set. “I was in my new life”, revanchierte sich Wontorra für die Fiese Begrüßung.
If the guest player plays the game, Rehker as the “DGHNDM” candidate can be the first players of the game at all and wiederkoms the following week.
Stefan Raab is more than happy, since he has been there since, since the candidate has 20 kilograms of weight. Here a man could now write and write in Richtung Fat-Shaming. Or people are a bit bleiben.
When I’m 19. November the 20th hour of the “Tagesschau” sweet, war inherently everything who comes – quickly. After the war with Susanne Daubner starts, the publishing brand is so big that those little problems never weigh an unchecked Lachanfalls.
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