Ukraine-Krieg: Der schwere Vorwurf der Verbündeten gegen Scholz

Ukraine-Krieg: Der schwere Vorwurf der Verbündeten gegen Scholz

In the Ukraine-Krieg we see Russia with missile weapons, the Western überthinks out of these strategies. My Baltikum involves Spitzen diplomats who activate the Verfasstheit der Verbündeten mit Sorge. The biggest criticism is an action by the German Bundeskanzlers.

It’s a gray November tag. Jonatan Vseviov is a representative of politicians, diplomats and experts in Berlin. The general affairs of the foreign ministers have another collaboration with Tobias Lindner, the State Secretary in the Auswärtigen Amt, who has carried out the Berliner Sicherheitskonferenz eröffnet. Jetzt is in 19. Stock des Axel-Springer-Hochhauses (bij Axel Springer erscheint auch WELT).

In the 43rd century, power arose from the front situation in Ukraine, while the European Union, the state of Ukraine, has great or small power. The fact is that it happened in Deutschland.

“We stopped the Scholz-Putin-Telefonat für einen schweren Fehler,” said Vseviov. The conversation has no effect. Russia is having a lot of trouble with the large Drohnen and Raketenangriffe who go to the beginning of the Krieges in the Ukraine, so to the European Spitzen diplomat.

In the past, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s first telephone call was a surprise long after a two-year break with Wladimir Putin. In Ukraine the Empörung aus loses. President Wolodymyr Selenskyj said that the “Büchse der Pandora” will happen.

Scholz, so it is critical criticism that has a legitimate criticism, that isolates the Western eigentlich. Nachahmer can follow. View responses from Poland or the Baltic states. Solange der Westen is not a chaffe, Putin is on the move, from his Kriegszielen abzurücken, he is not a Grund, with his telephoning, says Vseviov.

“Schwächt unsere Position”

“A more diplomatic process in this situation, considering our current position, Europe and the West.” And: “Your communication, which in the West is responsible for the Spatial Development of the World, is the source of information for Putin’s Annahme, that’s the news. See ist.”

Because the diplomats are clear, Putin no longer needs Kriegsziele. “A new European Security Order and a new effort will emerge in Ukraine,” Vseviov said.

Der Este is gilded as hereditary father and an end-of-life Diplomat of the Baltic State. In Brussels and in other European main towns, a Ruf is a security expert who attracts attention – with strong communication skills, fast pace, and the estnische Außen- en Verteidigungspolitik sich an erster Stelle in Russland oriented.

Estonia’s big, aggressive heels have long been waylaid and distressed in the land of the abermals. This Bedrohungslage was viewed by the business partners in Australia in vermitteln – there are consequences for Russia’s anger in Ukraine in February 2022.

Since 2004, there has been no news about the Verteidigungsministerium and the Außenministerium-tätig. From 2018 to 2021 the first Präsidentschaft was Donald Trumps, war in Botschafter Estonian in Washington. This is a general protection of the ministers.

Vseviov’s mission is that Ukraine is constantly supplied with the new Waffen in Europe, while the Hilfe for the raided country no longer exists. If the American economy is a “just” Krieg, then in the European interests, as a frühzeitige, for Ukraine it is unpredictable.

“The situation, the situation in which another escalation occurs, is the Krieges-führt, is a Niederlage of Ukraine. The best summary of Russian aggression and the best way to increase stability in Europe is a bad one, which said that the aggression does not rest,” says Vseviov energetically.

The part of the political class in Berlin has seen differently and the Parteien AfD, BSW and bisweilen the Kräfte in the Regierungspartei SPD and many more Anhänger the Waffenlieferungen for the Ukraine in the world of war, in the USA.

Then it happened: the new EU Commission is not yet in office, the Bundesregierung is a minority government affair, it will return to Neuwahlen in February; France was politically unstable and Donald Trump was no longer able to become president in the US. A lot has happened, the Krieg in the Ukraine has been “in 24 Stunden”. If you are interested in Ukraine Politics, there is probably no one.

“Costs for Russia increased”

“Given that, given this political opinion in the West, the Russians could use the pressure to convince them that the time is not on Putin’s side. It is not nervous or painful. Because it is true that Ukraine will increase costs for Russia,” Vseviov said.

“In the last few days we were very happy with ourselves. Dieser Winter in der Ukraine will be thin and calm. The Russian Truppen mach along the Fortschritte, aber sie machen Fortschritte.” The low in the European Hauptstädten is high in importance for the ethnic diplomats.

“In the Fluren der Macht in Europa”, it says, “we are making progress. It is a happy time. Once the party has started, it is a fact that the Kurs will stop and cancel an unsupported study for Ukraine.”

The West verügt über Potenziale, the Russlands in the Treasures. Russia, the fact that Vseviov is still not everything. „Lassen wir uns nicht von Russian Propaganda benebeln. If optimism about Russia is shared, Putin’s argument is that time is on his page. In Russia an idea is given for the time after the Krieg, for Russia or the Ukraine. This is how the Western Kurs started. That’s all,” says Vseviov.

As the best choice for the spread of the Russians, Putin has become a ‘Konenfutter’ in North Korea. 12,000 North Korean seien, so Vseviov, bereits in Europe. “It is an important Escalation dieses Krieges,” says the diplomat.

It became clear that it was so verdeutlicht, “wie verzahnt Sicherheit in unserer Region und im indopazifischen Raum sind.” Please follow up with Putin to ensure that the North Korean soldiers do not arrive immediately. “Kim Jong-un would have been in the fight. We could now have more specialties, was.”

Filip Fritz Since 2018, he has been a freer Australian correspondent for WELT and WELT AM SONNTAG. There is a message about all countries from Poland, Ungarn, the Czech Republic, the Slovak countries from the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Schwerpunktmäßig-beschäftigt is ich with constitutional and security political elements, as well as with their current German-polnischen Verhältnis.


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