“Die Kaiserin” – Scale 3: Do you want to know more?

“Die Kaiserin” – Scale 3: Do you want to know more?

In the years when the German series on Netflix had generated a good article, the title “Dark” or “How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast)” was displayed. The largest German hit on streaming channels is “Die Kaiserin”, which will be on the charts in more countries in 2022 and will receive an International Emmy.

The second volume is now the Staffel 2 of the historical series about Kaiserin Elisabeth and the world is one of the first books that is the first Staffel. The new era followed Elisabeth (Devrim Lingnau) as a young grumble during a high flight and a jump at the end of her life with Franz (Philip Froissant) who could help her.

“Die Kaiserin”: Do you want to start Staffel 3?

If the Veröffentlichung of the two Staffel fragments find their natural origin: Wird auch Staffel 3 kommen? Although it is not the best option, Netflix is ​​first separated for some Fortsetzung, when this series is added to the series.

Who sees the Zukunft von Elisabeth and Franz in "Die Kaiserin" aus? RAG

“The Kaiserin” | Devrim Lingnau & Philip Froissant über die Trennung von Elisabeth and Franz in Staffel 3

Deutsche Serien since in den Vergangenen Jahren bei… Read more »

At the height of the height Believe it, it is a matter of Staffel geben wird. It’s all so fans can spend a certain amount of time, but they’ll figure it out. Zwischen Staffel 1 und 2 immerhin über zwei Jahre – was whl auch am hohen Produktionsaufwand liegt. This is also the beginning of a fresh start in 2026 when you’re done.

“Die Kaiserin”: Handlung


The two staff members of “The Kaiserin” are prepared for high altitude and support for Kaiserin Elisabeth and his husband Kaiser Franz. Ganz examines the tragic Tod and her daughter Sophie who have changed the Couple and their Stories in the Hofverändert. Finally, Franz von Napoleon was forced to leave the war. When the end is reached, the front of the house is sold. In der letzten Szene bricht seine Mutter in den Armen von Elisabeth jijsammen.

If the Geschichte von Sissi does not last long, it is not the case that you will get a material for three Staffels. It is possible that fans imagine that in Staffel 3 they will become deutlich weniger von Elisabeth and Franz as a Couple. “If Elisabeth is like this, you will probably go on a trip, but you will never come home,” so Devirm Lingnau in an interview with TV Movie Online. Finally, Elisabeth will learn more about others. “I would never know who I am in another man,” said Drehbuchautorin Katharina Eyssen. And Franz? It is interesting, “who is like Herrscher weiterentwickelt”, says Philip Froissant.

Very interesting:

Dennoch, so that they both show, Franz and Elisabeth became natural with even more things they could do. It is a matter of seeing who is with Franz Mutter and Maximilian, who must support his brothers in the Treasures. Letzter soll, nach Wunsch von Eyssen, sein eigenes Reichsbekommen.

“Die Kaiserin”: Besetzung

In Staffel 3 you can find another man on the back dieser Schauspieler:innen freuen:

Devrim Lingnau – Empress Elisabeth/Sisi

Philip Froissant – Emperor Franz Joseph I.

Melika Foroutan-Erzherzogin Sophie

Johannes Nussbaum – Erzherzog Maximilian

Almila Bagriacik – Leontine von Apafi


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