The images suggest the youthful generations of l’IA propulsions on Facebook

The images suggest the youthful generations of l’IA propulsions on Facebook

The Facebook pages spread the sexualized images of mines through the artificial intelligence, on whom they can observe Decryptorscumulant of the millions of dollars, for the large number of adult men. A situation where you can specialize in the exploitation of children on the Internet, and the phenomenon that seems to be encouraged by the algorithm of social results.

With Alexis De Lancer

Je t’aime tellement.

Wow, quelle beauté!

Voici mon numéro de teléphone. Apple moi?

These posts are reviewed in the comments section of a photo distributed on one of the pages Facebook. It’s a little thing that you consider sour. If there is a lot of evidence used by the artificial intelligence, the authors of these comments do not seem to have an apercevoir.

The image you filled is a child who is more than 12 years old.

If you look at your profile pictures, the number of men commenting is in quarantine and more.

The phenomenon is isolated. Au cours des dernières semaines, les Decryptors you can view Facebook’s pages with more practical matters. Elles is one of the people who travels through Pakistan, Indonesia or an encore to the United States. Certainly on 10,000, 15,000, voire 20,000 subscribers.

It’s absolutely outrageous that the images circulate on mobile devices on the platforms on Facebook, without broncher René Morin, parole due-parole du Center canadien de protection de l’enfance (CCPE).

If there are any images that, without being illegal, push the boundaries of what is acceptable or legally acceptable, please contact us. If we no longer have any perspective that the image is so bad, it can constitute a form of exploitation of a child.

I show the images that depict sexual characters of the generationsIA you can embrace the services policy and provide signals that produce a survey object. The policy is dedicated to reclaiming a victim that does not yet exist, thus robbing the victims.

Ecotez notre reportage complete à l’émission Decryptorssamedi le 23 November to 11 H 30 (HNE) on ICI RDI, and redistribution à 18 H 30 and 24 hours November to 13 it’s free sur (Novelle fenêtre).

The images may be legal, but most of the time is gone

The images suggest the youthful generations of l’IA propulsions on Facebook

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Le porte-parole du Center canadien de protection de l’enfance, René Morin, entrevue with Alexis De Lancer.

Photo: Radio Canada

It is true that the content of the pages is not explicit, but there are no illegal things: in your naked way there are no sexual acts. More than a century of collection of photos from young years, for a large number of minerals, small prizes or suggestive photos. A melange of general images at l’IA and the vraies photos of recent years, publishing prices on car platforms, on Instagram or TikTok, and using them without the consent of our subjects.

The photos are intended for a large number of publications without comment. The purpose of these pages does not resemble commercial products: it is not distributed publicity and not ownership of products for sale. The purpose of the men appearing on pages looks like a bright part of the comments section. It is part of the importance that sexualization brings to childhood.

René Morin and a daring clairvoyant, these pages can be used for the service of the place of retribution for sexual relations.

If you look into the youth protection center, the social platforms for the general public are an app server.


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