With 26.58 percent achieved with a 350.4 quadratzentimeter large solar panels is the Chinese photovoltaic repairer of the 28. Rekord gelungen. First there was a Monat-sold Trinasolar-steigerung der Effizienz at 25.9 Prozent.
November 22, 2024
Trinasolar hat for two-sided n-type-i-Topcon-Solarzellen on the Vorderseite an Efficiency of 26.58 Prozent erreicht. Dieser Wirkungsgrading sei auf einem format von 350.4 Quadratzentimetern erzielt be, teilte das Chinese Photovoltaik-Unternehmen am Freitag mit. The Calibration Center of the Institutes for Solar Energy Research in Hameln (ISFH CalTeC) has the best price-quality ratio. There are 28. Weltencorden für Zelloder Modulwirkungsgrade- respekktive Ausgangsleistungen van de Unternehmens, so Trinasolar goes further.
If the Rekord-Solarzelle uses a proprietary righteous waffle design, it can be used. The final substrate is a tri-solar layer with a type of phosphor dotierter Cz silicon wafer with a high minimum lifespan. If you make a tunnel oxide passive contact, you strengthen the Bor-dotierten emitter, a light absorption technology that offers a fine line radiation technology in the solar energy, which has its scaffolding of the Wirkungsgrads at 26.58 Prozent beitrugen.
First the end of October opens the Trinasolar eine Verbesserung des Wirkungsgrads für seine großflächige 210 mold 182 Millimeter große n-type-i-Topcon-Solarzelle op 25.9 Prozent. The fact is that this year the best protection of the Fraunhofer Institutes for the solar energy system is ISE. Now that further scaffolding has been completed, Trinasolar’s Ansicht has highlighted the high potential of Topcon-Solarzellen.
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