Darüber reports the “Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung” (November 22). Der Hauptkritikpunkt an Dark Romance is that the books were, among other things, destroyed, suizid and toxic inspiration. Look at the Lahn-Dill-Kreis of the genre as part of the debt libraries, such as the Mediotheken. Most people who enter die in the book while the trigger warnings are enabled, if the Grund is now on the ground Fachdienst “Library Service – Schools” des Lahn-Dill-Kreises der Auffassung sei: “Dark Romance” -Bücher is not een Schulmediotheken.
It’s a fact Mitteilung des Kreises zum “Tag der Schulmediotheken” reform. Darin heißt is züglich “New Adult” and “Dark Romance”: Both book genres are played by young Erwachsenen and Heranwachsenden who are very credible. “Is it even possible to invest in a Schulmediothek? Bei ‘Dark romance’ lautete die Antwort des Fachdienstes: ‘Nein.’” “New Adult” – Bücher a deletion clause can be executed. In the fall, the “Fachdienst Bibliotheksservice – Schulen” works a little Alterbeschränkung from 16 years of experience during the 18 years of the Catalogisierung. When the books are expanded with erotic and sensual enthalten and elegantly treated themes, the information provided by the Library Services – Schools becomes clearer. This inhalation can give a hint and have harmful consequences. Deshalb is in no time separate Regal with clear knowledge were drawn up.
The factory service has become concrete, a non-adapted solution to a problem that is not so big, that the book is believed and fragmented and can provide a youthful weighty theme and provide answers, so the Mitteilung of the Lahn-Dill-Kreises .
Gegenüber der “Wetzlarer Neuen Zeitung” by Nicole Zey, Pressesprecherin des Lahn-Dill-Kreises, aus: “Der Fachdienst spricht sich deutlich gegen kriminelles Verhalten, gewaltverherrlichende, verharmlosende sowie demokratiegefährdende Inhalte aus – insbesondere an Schulen mit Minderjährigen.” Some of the criticism appears in the “Dark Romance” genre. Look at the media from this genre for debt mortgages if you are not interested.
A word is no longer connected. “Die Auswahl der Medien obliegt den Schulen”, Zey says. The main responsible of the faculty service is “a number of different Medienangebots for Schulmediotheken, which Schülerinnen and Schüler change judicial response”.
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