Taliban see them Botschafter and Generalkonsul aus Deutschland ab

Taliban see them Botschafter and Generalkonsul aus Deutschland ab

The radical Islamic Taliban government in Afghanistan has a bisherigen Botschafter in Deutschland, where the Bonner Generalkonsul abberufen. If the Auswärtigen Amt is a Freitag, the Abberufung sei aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht is binding. The Ministerium has a “mirror” message.

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Who the Auswärtigen Amt verlautetete, all the Diplomats and the Afghan Relations in Germany – the Botschaft in Berlin and the Generalkonsulaten in Bonn and Munich – nor for the Power of the Taliban in the summer of 2021 can be credited. „The Taliban’s de facto regime is no longer a legitimate regime in Afghanistanwe cannot get credit from diplomats in Deutschland, this will continue.

Because of the “Spiegel” message, the Taliban claimants and the Botschafter and the Bonner General consul are other messages in the minds of people who are not stimulated. Roads of struggle that the Taliban have obtained a visa or passport in Berlin and Bonn, but have never been better. Nur Dokumente aus dem Generalkonsulat in Munich were neither accepted nor accepted – the Dordige Generalkonsul is still alive in the Amt.

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The Konsularbezirk of the Generale Konsulats Munich has taken charge of the Auswärtigen Amt Bayern and Baden-Württemberg. The Taliban will battle the army and increasingly find themselves in the state. If it becomes wider, then it is an Auswärtigen Amt. (AFP)


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