President of France Emmanuel Macron how to think about the Freiung Straßburgs of the Nazi Besatzung for 80 years the Rolle der Regio bij deutsch-französischen Aussöhnung concrete. The Grenzregio Elsass-Mosel is a land of the Hoffnung, in the world that may have grown into Macron at an Ansprache in the Straßburger Universität.
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«Denn nach de Krieg is ready France and Germany is a new Raum des Friedens, der Freiheit und des Fortschritts auf», like the President. “And if all children’s hobbies are like this, our Europe would have been born here in Dieser, the Ufern des Rheins, Durchgang and Brücke zwei brüderlich united Ländern.”
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The thinking started with a Kranzniederlegung by Macron at the Denkmal of General Jacques-Philippe Leclerc, in the city on the Rhine on November 23, 1944 with the two Panzer Divisions. Macron came in, when Leclerc picked up his hat in 1941, the Waffen first newcomer, then the French Fahnen wieder über Strasbourg and Metz wehen. Who 80 years ago in the Samstag had raised the French flag on the Münster in Strasbourg. Für Deutschland war Bundesratspräsidentin Anke Rehlinger at the Gedenkfeier dabei.
The Anschluss wants Macron to think about the former Konzentrationslagers Natzweiler-Struthof in Elsass. There is an inner fact that the Tausenden tend to come from the neighborhood Europe and warn against acting on the grass-roots anti-Semitism. “Yes, that way through the Nazi Barbara would lead to the offending of the war,” Macron said when he said, “with insulting the transitory nature of Europe, with insulting our gegenwart, in anti-Semitism and sister-lägt. »
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