Two Garkörbe, sieben Automatikprogramme und als Ergebnis sehr good Pommes! Use the Tefal Dual Easy Fry & Grill. Die Heat fryer paint over two separate shapes, extend welds into two targeted parallel operations. Practical: Both Garzonen Steuern Sie sogar unabhängig voneinander. Media Markt has the Doppelkammer-Airfryer zum Black Friday reduced to a competitive price of 139 Euro. Laut dem Preisvergleichsportal idealo bieten die Mitbewerber im Netz das Modell teurer an (alle Preise und Angaben – Status: November 29, 2024).
Black Friday: Tefal Dual Easy Fry & Grill for 139 Euro
That’s the highlight of the Double Easy Fry & Grill (Note 2.0) from Tefal since the two Garkörbe in Schuladenform! The large chamber has a volume of 5.2 liters, the smaller chamber has a volume of 3.1 liters. I love a Druckguss-Grillrost and a Gittereinsatz. Use the manual mode to automatically set the program suitable for your purpose: Pommes, Hähnchen, Gemüse, Fish, Dessert, Dorren or Grillen. Tol: Ein Signal erinnert Sie an des Rechtzeitige Schütteln beziehungsweise Wenden. The temperature and temperature are not too high for the temperature. Warm operation is not possible. For the operation of sensors and two displays. With the “Sync” taste synchronization Sie die Zubereitung im Betrieb with both Garkörben. Beim Geschmackstest has the Dual Easy Fry & Grill as the first model in one of the following comments Note erreicht.
- Double chamber heating fryer with 2,700 watts
- 5.2 liter and 3.1 liter Schublade, 7 programs
- Grill plate made of Druckguss aluminum
Tefal Dual Easy Fry & Grill
stat 359.99 EUR
EUR 139.00
Einschätzung der Test-Redaktion
Hervorragende Pommes Frites proposes the Tefal Dual Easy Fry & Grill. With two cooking and automatic programs, the air fryer can provide complete Essence functions, which are controlled independently of the sensor sensors. If the Airfryer does not have a warm effect, this is the case when the Essen schüttelt or becomes old-fashioned. Make sure the temperature and temperature are flexible. The kitchen is for small kitchens that have no problem.
Black Friday – the best Technik Deals
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