It is progressive with documents between the main pipes. In Nantes, on November 28, two farmers without a lawyer protected the interests of the joint agricultural group (Gaec) dealing with four, pres d’Ancenis-Saint-Géréon.
The company is authorized to be carried out without permission for nuisibles in water or in the aquatic environmentil ya plus the sept ans. In 2017, the French Biodiversity Office (OFB) noted the unevenness of a water flow on the terres du Gaec. Remove the result of an ex-colleague for « facilitates the work in the champions ». A délit, selon le Code de l’environnement. Le Gaec of 330 hectares and the 600 cattle are rented and audience correctionafter refusing the proposed transaction at the prosecutor’s office, you should take your time.
In June 2016, a unique reference model for cartography assessed the cours d’eau de Loire-Atlantique for the application of the law on water and agricultural regulations. For the freedom of property « remonter des doutes dans le but de faire declasser des cours d’eau », precise president.
«Un fossé», southern le Gaec
Giet l’OFB, « the presence of the grapiers and the typical vegetation of the mountain es » let indisputability be a ruisseau. « A fossé », south of Gaec, who recently attended the site of the state’s services. « No predécesseurs on fait une boulette! », I have seen an exploiter convinced of the absence of a natural resource. « An advanced argumentation system, pay attention to the attorney. The file is a matter of public terminology, but it is a very good quality in the Loire-Atlantique. » The arrangement is different than that “The water has an impact on the nitrates.”
« Ce serait dommage de rouvrir », checkered lesson two associates. The tribunal ordered the remettre in November 2025 to the established modalities towards the department of the territories and the sea. There is a risk that you will receive a change of €10,000.
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