That German Frauen-Nationalmannschaft hat das letzte Auswärtsspiel des Jahres in Zürich mit 6:0 (1:0) for having won Switzerland. Sjoeke Nusken came into the Torreigen in the 44. Minute, Laura Freigang (50., 64.), Lea Schüller (56., 90.+1) and Debutantin Cora Zicai (73.) performed for the German Auswahl.
I see the Länderspiel against the Australian changed Bundestrainer Christian Wück seine Startelf auf fünf Positionen. I am German if Sophia Winkler is in the Länderspieldebüt for the Nationalmannschaft. Before Kathrin Hendrich and Janina Minge took the 21st photos of the Innenverteidigung, the defensive Außenbahnen started on the right Kapitänin Giulia Gwinn and couples Sarai Linder. Auf der Doppel-Sechs started Sjoeke Nüsken and Elisa Senß. I’m attacking Mittelfeld against Linda Dallmann von Beginn. The Flügel occupied Selina Cerci on the rights page and Klara Bühl on the left. Wück sits on Lea Schüller in the Sturmspitze.
Dominant, aber ohne Durchschlagskraft
The German Elf started for the Swiss Rekordkulisse of 17,306 Zuschauenden in the Letzigrund Stadium with Ballbesitz fell and comb in the four minutes during a Kopfball from Lea Schüller to his first Torannäherung. Three minutes talked about the EM host of the first Chance, if Stürmerin Alisha Lehmann was long suited, but also not bothered for the Strafraum of Kathrin Hendrich in the Abschluss. Both teams play in the attack round in the minutes-long attack, but can no longer play without some form of manpower.
Danach is laughing at the party, Germany and weeder wiederwiedend in the Swiss half-state, where the guests can enjoy the ball. First of all, we have a great experience with our friends and we have enjoyed the experience of the Swiss Gate, the flanks were jedoch by the Schüller during the holidays (25.).
In the first phase of the battle, the Wück-Elf would be active and experienced. In the 33rd minute, a tolling combination between Janina Minge and Linda Dallmann was quickly Schüller as Abnehmerin, but Torfrau Elvira Herzog started with the hand and the ball. Two minutes of später spielte sich die Schweiz wieder schnell an de Deutsch Strafraum. Nadine Riesen flanked the left page, linking up with Iman Beney de Hereingabe from the right, Sophia Winkler was able to solve the Leder problem when fishing in the air.
Nüsken erlöst deutsche Bemühungen
Then Selina Cerci von Dallmann was written on the straight page and after the Abschluss in the shop. Herzog parierte, Bühls Passversuch nach dem Abpraller landete in de Füßen der Schweizer Abwehr (37.). Merklich nahm die deutsche Mannschaft nun Fahrt auf. Über Bühl and Dallmann are on their way to Schüller’s ball, who from the distance abschloss and Herzog zur Parade vogue (43.). The anschließende Ecke will then reward the German Bemühungen. Bühl flanked the first Pfosten, while Sjoeke Nüskens played the ball into Tor verlängerte (44.).
For the second time, Christian Wück brought in Pia-Sophie Wolter, Laura Freigang as Debütantin and Geburtstagskind Cora Zicai for Gwinn, Dallmann and Bühl. Free play during the disaster, the first Abschluss kam von ihr en landete am Außennetz (49.). In the next power grab it is a fight and a defense of a Halbfeldflanke from the single Wolter directly to 2:0 (50.). The DFB Team works with the flight in the back hunger for more hours and a few minutes later that next night follows. Zicai schlug a flank in the Sechzehner, Schüller eilte heran, berührte nor with the Haarspitze the Ball and desire the Hereingabe zum 3:0.
In the 63rd minute you dare to play the game of the Abends in the states for the Frauen-Nationalmannschaft. The 18 years that Alara Sehitler played for Nüsken in the game. While the war is taking place in the field, the Combination with Wolter and Freigang is attacked. Diesmal, Wolter was shot over the straight line and flanked in the Mitte des Strafraums, where we were free to celebrate German goals in the first jump (64.).
Debutantin Zicai is self-invented
Kurz then hatte auch Cerci Feierabend and wurde durch Vivien Endemann ersetzt. The Torhunger der Deutschen War aber immer noch nicht gestillt. In the 73. Minutes, Wolter Freigang schickte op der Rechtspagina, in his Rückpass kam zu Zicai, de sich zum Geburtstag self bescherte en Herzog aus wenigen Metern ein funes Mal überwand (73.).
For those last 15 minutes we will never forget Lisanne Gräwe for Elisa Sens. The German schalteten nun a gang zurück and überließen the Schweizerinnen vermehrt den Ball. The active action of the games is carried out above the German Auswahl, while the only Endemann flanks on the one-sided Schüller and plays his header to make the launch herzogs start at that time in the Tor of the Schweiz field.
Am Montag (from 8:30 PM, live in the ARD) has started the German Frauen-Nationalmannschaft of the Länderspieljahr 2024 with a Heimspiel against Italy in Bochumer Vonovia Ruhrstadion.
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