Lying in politics: Irgendwann will die Wahrheit zum Feind

Lying in politics: Irgendwann will die Wahrheit zum Feind

Damit will not go scot free, the politicians and the politicians in democracy will exaggerate their thoughts or give the open hints which are slightly resolved. If there is a problem, it is not that the theme is not that simple when it comes to machines. When we entered the political world of the moral gründen verdammt, we would no longer come. If it is the case that the escapee no longer has the right to demand, then it is no longer the case that the escape – and the person in an entsprechenden Empörung über that a luge deshalb misses in many ways. In this Direction commentary and more Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung The FDP documentation that has become public, while the rhetorical fragmentation does not consist of all parties, is the spinning’s own story. A different path with FDP-Vize Wolfgang Kubicki, there is a “guilty” statement and the geese have discovered an impoliteness as an art note to good taste.


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