MoDOT is promoting Buckle Up Phone Down Day on Wednesday

MoDOT is promoting Buckle Up Phone Down Day on Wednesday

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) -MoDOT is encouraging better driver behavior as part of Wednesday’s eighth annual Buckle Up Phone Down Day.

This day challenges all drivers to take the two most important steps – strapping on your phone and putting your phone down while driving – to reduce the risk of fatal accidents.

The goal is to have zero traffic fatalities on Missouri roads throughout the day.

In 2024, there were more than 700 fatalities in Missouri, and more than 60% of vehicle occupants killed were dislodged.

Distracted driving is also a leading cause of accidents in Missouri.

In 2023, distracted driving was cited in crashes that killed more than 100 people.

“We want people to do it every day, but we took this day in October to raise awareness, promote it and encourage people to go to the website and fulfill the Buckle Up, Phone Down pledge lay. It is all our responsibilities as drivers, parents and community members to do what we can to be safe while driving and always wearing our seat belt and putting that phone down is one of the most important things we can do” , said MoDOT District Engineer Paula Gough.

Since Buckle Up Phone Down Day was founded in 2017, the movement has collected more than 55,000 pledges.

if you want to make the pledge, visit

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