CCTV footage has emerged of the October 26 shooting incident at Rani Bagh in Delhiwhere two unknown men, allegedly linked to the Bambiha gang, opened fire at the home of a businessman. The attack, recorded on video, reportedly came after an extortion demand of Rs 15 crore.
The The Bambiha gang is considered an archrival of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.
The video showed two men on a motorcycle approaching the businessman’s home. One of them is seen tossing in a note marked “Bambiha Gang” and an international phone number. Moments later, the gunman fired several rounds, using his mobile flashlight to capture the scene.
According to police sources, the images were sent to Pawan Shokeen, a gangster from the United States, who is believed to have ordered the attack on the orders of Kaushal Chaudhary. Chaudhary is currently lodged in Gurugram jail and is also on Lawrence Bishnoi’s hit list.
Chaudhary’s gang is suspected of targeting businessmen in the Delhi-NCR area to fund their operations against Bishnoi’s associates.
Authorities said foreign gang leaders often recruit local gunmen to carry out attacks, record them and distribute the videos on social media.
The Delhi Police Special Cell arrested both gunmen two days later. Both the shooters belonged to Uttar Pradesh.
In an ongoing rivalry between gangs, Bishnoi has earlier declared his intention to kill Chaudhary. Both gangs are reportedly working to strengthen their networks, with Chaudhary’s group reportedly using foreign agents to expand its influence in Delhi through intimidation and extortion.
Published by:
Akhilesh Nagari
Published on:
November 3, 2024
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