The Bhartiya Kisan Union (Doaba), led by President Manjit Singh Rai, has urged the government to stop registering cases against farmers for stubble burning and take action to reverse the cuts imposed on farmers the state’s grain markets are being ordered to shut down. The union warned the government to launch a protest in the coming days if these requests were not heeded.
General Secretary Satnam Singh Sahni said that during the meeting, the members and farmers discussed that a large number of cases were registered against farmers for stubble burning in Punjab. They said that as per the recommendations of the National Green Tribunal, Rs 2,500 per hectare would be provided to farmers under the Crop Residue Management Incentive Payment (CRMIP) along with stubble removal machines, but nothing was provided in this regard to the farmers. farmers on the ground floor, which forced them to burn the stubble.
The leaders urged the state government to stop registering cases against farmers and provide them Rs 2,500 per hectare with assistance and machinery for proper stubble removal.
The farmer leaders further discussed that cuts of 4/5 kg per quintal of rice in the name of shell owners were still ongoing and farmers were being exploited while the government ignored it. The leaders said the government is doing everything possible to register cases against farmers but nothing is being done to stop the cuts being imposed on them.
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