Here are some tips for dealing with anxiety as the election results come in

Here are some tips for dealing with anxiety as the election results come in

A recent poll from The AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 7 in 10 Americans feel anxious or frustrated about this year’s presidential race.

Election day can be stressful and overwhelming as we wait for the results to come in and try to navigate how to move forward regardless of which candidate wins.

“It has a huge effect on our bodies and our brains,” says family therapist Collette Fehr. “We get a constant source of disturbing information around the clock.”

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Here are some tips she says people can do while they wait for the election results:

  • Limit exposure to social media and news, because Fehr said constant upsetting information can make you feel much worse. “Uncertainty is very difficult to deal with,” Fehr explains.
  • Deep breathing exercises, such as inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of eight.
  • Short mindfulness meditations.
  • Go outside. Nature has a calming effect on our systems.
  • Excercise. Even just getting your heart rate up for five to minutes can help stimulate endorphin production.

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