When practiced responsibly and with respect for nature, fishing can be a sustainable hobby for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages.
However, sustainable fishing depends largely on where you cast your reel and how closely you follow fishing restrictions to protect wildlife and natural ecosystems.
In a shocking way Instagram postnature photographer Laura Lyn Gregory (@lauralynphotography) shared a terrifying video of a man and a bear sharing the same fishing spot.
In an Alaskan waterway, a man casually fishes in the water next to a bear that walks on two legs at a dangerously close distance.
“This person was definitely in a precarious location, especially considering the water levels,” Laura wrote in the caption of the post. ‘One wrong step and the water would come over his head.’
At least 100 meters away is considered the safe distance from a bear. Yet the fisherman in the video is considerably closer to that and tries to get the best catch for a while before finally walking away.
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Tourists often get too close to bears in national parks. However, this is also a problem in remote wild areas, where there is no one else around to call for help if a bear is provoked and is about to attack.
When we fish in the wild, we must respect wildlife habitats and make way for animals in their natural habitat – for our safety and theirs.
You can also fish sustainably avoiding fishing ban zones and harmful fishing tactics such as bottom trawl.
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The original poster mission is to support all wild things and keep them that way. So her followers were shocked at how close the fisherman got to the bear in this video.
“Lmfao…the guy walking away slowly,” one Instagram user wrote in the comments.
Another Instagrammer responded, translated from Spanish: “We know well who the invaders are.”
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