Which houseplants are best for students? – The Irish Times

Which houseplants are best for students? – The Irish Times

My daughter just started college and moved into a dorm on campus. I want to give her some houseplants to make her room a little more homely and would love to get some recommendations. She is not a gardener, but I know she will do her best to take care of them. Maria C, Cork

Houseplants are an unbeatable way to transform any interior space and bring life and beauty to a room in a way that is truly magical while helping to purify the air. If your daughter has no previous experience with caring for her, it is a good idea to start with a selection of tough plants that will tolerate less than ideal growing conditions.

One of the best is the familiar Swiss cheese plant, Monstera deliciosa, an almost impossible-to-kill species with large, jungle-like, glossy leaves distinguished by their irregularly shaped holes (hence the common name). Another is the rubber plant, Ficus elastica ‘Robustica’, a handsome, large-growing species of ornamental fig with large, paddle-shaped, glossy green leaves whose appearance belies its tough character and ability to tolerate menstruation. of neglect. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is another enduring classic famous for its Lazarus-like ability to return from near-death.

( Millennials and houseplants: ‘I couldn’t live without plants; they give me so much joy’Opens in a new window )

Growing hanging houseplants in purpose-made hanging pots or containers suspended from macrame hangers is another easy way for your daughter to green up her dorm room while making smart use of limited space. Resilient species ideal for this purpose include the rosary vine, also called ‘heart string’ (Ceropegia linearis subspecies woodii); tradescantia (prized for its colorful leaves); and ‘string of beads’ (Curio rowleanus, formerly known as Senecio rowleanus). These are all widely available from most good Irish garden centers and from specialist houseplant suppliers. As with all houseplants, keep in mind that all of the above require very little water from fall through spring. If the container the plant is growing in does not have drainage holes, take extra care.


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