Warning! The following contains spoilers for the 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way episode, “He’s Just Not Like That in the US” Stream the episode with a Maximum subscription and read at your own risk!
It’s been a long time since I had one 90 Day Fiancé storyline that frustrates me as much as what I witness James And Meitalia Solis. These newcomers out The other way Season 6 ran through episodes with lots of tears and zero resolutions whether they would live in Indonesia or return to the United States. It all came to a head again in the last episode, and I really think this could ruin their marriage.
If I notice a problem early in a couple’s storyline, I’m usually optimistic that there will be some growth at the end. But again, we were met James’ terrible way of communicatingand this could be the point where he started the beginning of the end of their relationship.
James bought a ticket back to the United States, thinking he could pressure Meitalia to leave
Just one episode later Meitalia said she would come back to the United States, but only as her sister Angel might as well come on a sponsored visa, James responded by buying a ticket home. He himself admitted that Meitalia would feel pressured to return to the United States until they could come up with a more permanent plan to live in Indonesia.
What he did not expect is that Meitalia would refuse a ticket back, thinking that this would convince her husband to stay in Indonesia longer. Meitalia said she would have been willing if he had agreed to take Angel to the United States, but since he was adamantly against it, she feared that returning to the U.S. would mean she might never return to Indonesia.
The result of this was that neither person got what they wanted, and honestly, James left Indonesia in a terrible place with Meitalia. Even if the end result was the same, using communication to talk this out more effectively instead of dramatically buying a ticket and issuing an ultimatum was the wrong way to handle it. Unfortunately, based on what he is like treated to avoid talking about children or quitting his job at the family business at the last minute, it seems to be the way James regularly operates.
James didn’t tell her parents he was leaving until the very last minute
Readers didn’t really need past examples of James’ poor communication skills and conflict resolution, as evidence of that showed up at just the right time. After learning everything that happened above, James then says that neither of them told Meitalia’s parents that he is leaving for the United States, and that they are going to drop him off in Jakarta under the guise of a family train ride. This was a ride that James knew his father-in-law had wanted to take for a while, so he thought this would lessen the impact of the news.
What he might not have predicted was that his father would immediately sense that something was up when James set off for the train journey with all his luggage. So he decided it was time to tell them, which led to a train journey where they spent most of the journey talking about this sudden news. The part I felt 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way What was really missed was James turning his father-in-law’s fun day out into an upsetting day that ended with his daughter crying.
I know when I checked in on their social media earlier this season, it seemed like James and Meitalia were still together. That said, if I were to find out during the upcoming tell-all for 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way that this couple separatedI wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. The poor communication between them and the dramatic gestures cannot continue, and I fear that the gap between them will only widen over long distances. Maybe I’m wrong, and hopefully we’ll get more answers about this in the tell-all.
90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way airs on TLC on Mondays at 8pm ET. I’m more than ready to tell everything as a host Shaun Robinson to dive into this season, so let’s hope she’s ready to ask some tough questions of James and Meitalia.
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