Bridging the digital divide – Telefónica

Bridging the digital divide – Telefónica

Achieving enough digital inclusion requires progress in developing the digital economy, building digital trust and, of course, bridging the digital divide.

Given the unprecedented digital transformation we are currently experiencing, both are improvements connectivity and the development of new technologies are ways to create new opportunities to boost social and economic development.

When the question is asked ‘How can the digital divide be reduced?’, it should be made clear that we must first identify what type of divide we are dealing with.

Actions to bridge the digital divide

Measures to reduce the digital divide vary depending on the type of divide we are talking about, as we just mentioned: coverage or usage. To make progress in closing these gaps, Telefónica proposes a proposal Digital inclusion compass.

Closing the coverage or access gap

While it is true that the coverage gap has narrowed significantly in recent years, it has not yet been completely closed. Globally, this has been reduced to 5%, although there are still differences per region.

To reduce this percentage even further, to continue making progress in closing the coverage gap and to reach remote, rural areas and/or areas with major access challenges, Telefónica proposes the following measures to make progress in closing the coverage gap:

  • Alliances and public-private cooperation to support new technologically innovative projects with a social benefit through public policies aimed at promoting both infrastructure sharing and alliances to accelerate network deployment.
  • Innovate or redesign network financing mechanisms such as green financing or increased public support for the deployment of telecommunications networks.
  • Simplify and ensure regulation become more flexible so that the costs of network deployment continue to decline, removing barriers to sharing infrastructure and spectrum.

Closing the usage gap

In terms of closing the usage gap, Telefónica highlights the following possible measures:

  • Affordable devices and access. A first step for society as a whole to gain access to all basic digital tools is for both devices and internet access services to be affordable.
  • Public-private partnership ensure that access to digital skills is provided on equal terms, by including the necessary skills in education systems or by promoting lifelong learning to increase employability.
  • Relevant content and accessible services. Another important point in bridging the digital divide is that the content created must be interesting or adapted to regional or local realities, and the inclusion of people with disabilities must be a reality.
  • Reliable and responsible management. Security, privacy and fundamental rights should be the principles on which the governance model of the digitalization process is based to promote digital trust and use.

Telefónica, for a connected and inclusive future

“Digital inclusion is a strategic priority, and we recognize that connectivity alone is not enough. Innovation, investments in emerging technologies, partnerships, digital literacy and training programs, and public-private partnerships to close the usage gap demonstrate our commitment to a connected and inclusive future.”

This is Telefónica’s clear position position about the digital divide and digital inclusion, a company that contributes to closing the coverage gap wherever it operates.

This is confirmed by the fact that the century-old operator is the leader in ultra-broadband deployment, with 168 million homes (28 million in Spain alone) by 2022.

It has also achieved 99% 4G coverage in Europe and 87% in Latin America, and also has industry-leading 5G coverage in Spain, reaching 85% of the population.

A commitment that goes beyond simply expanding coverage, as Telefónica aims to “achieve significant connectivity by improving the capacity and quality of existing networks” so that the network can serve as a catalyst for digital transformation and the adoption of digital services and new technologies can facilitate. thereby increasing the well-being of citizens and the competitiveness of businesses.


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