Combine numerology and feng shui can really increase the synergy in improving your home and personal energy. Numerology discusses the vibrational meaning of numbers, while Feng Shui aims to balance the flow of energy or “chi” in your environment. Combining numerology and feng shui will create conditions for better health, well-being and prosperity.
Start with yours Life path number derived from your date of birth. This gives you an essence of who you are and what makes you who you are in this life. For an extra level of insight, determine your Lot numberwhich gives you a glimpse into your potential and what you would like to achieve. Both figures become fundamental guides to your Feng Shui refinement.
Entrance and life path number
The entrance to your home is also very important in Feng Shui as it represents the main energy entering your space. If you were born on the number 1, which symbolizes leadership and independence, your door should brighten up your space, be open and welcoming, and be completely free of any clutter that can keep opportunities from coming to your door.
Space design
Numbers are concrete Feng Shui elements. If your life path number is 3, which corresponds to the energy of creativity and expression, then you are better off with bright colors and artistic decoration in the common area, such as the living room. Use shapes and materials that relate to the energy of your number: wood for 3, metal for 4, and so on.
Numerical balance
Pay attention to all the numbers in your house. Try to make sure that the total number of rooms, windows and doors is somehow a positive number for your key numbers. For example, a harmonious balance between odd and even numbers can stimulate energy flow.
With Feng Shui and numerology you can place yourself in a living environment that not only reflects your personality and ambitions, but also brings positive energy and growth. Check your space and make changes based on your numerology input for harmony and success in each individual area.
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