Delta plane passenger confronts seatmate about annoying fake pass during flight

Delta plane passenger confronts seatmate about annoying fake pass during flight

An irate airline passenger has shared the moment they confronted a fellow traveler for playing a movie out loud on his phone.

In a post on Reddit at the Delta Airlines subthread, the user explained how his or her seatmate watched something at “full volume” the entire time the plane was boarding.

‘It was so loud that people behind me were complaining. Lots of looks from neighbors, but nothing,” they shared.

After a while, the passenger admitted that they could no longer tolerate it and went to talk to the offending passenger after they failed to find a flight attendant.

“After 15 minutes I finally got up and asked if they could turn it down (maybe said it in a certain tone),” they admitted.

Delta plane passenger confronts seatmate about annoying fake pass during flight

Delta plane passenger confronts seatmate about annoying fake pass during flight

An irate airline passenger has shared the moment they confronted a fellow traveler for playing a movie out loud on his phone (stock image)

The person’s partner was visibly displeased and the couple rolled their eyes, but ultimately rejected it.

‘Normally I never say anything and put on my headphones. But this was so loud you could still hear it through the headphones,” they complained.

“Glad I said something because it was so peaceful,” they added.

The interaction encouraged other users to share their own stories of annoying mid-flight interactions.

‘On Sunday I had a red eye. After dinner I put on the eye mask and earplugs but could still hear my neighbor watching videos on his phone. I asked if they had headphones, but of course they didn’t. They took the hint and stopped making noise,” one person recalled.

“People who use speakerphones in public or watch media without earbuds are the WORST. No concept of considering other people. I find it baffling,” someone else complained.

‘Yes, I have experienced this. They should use headphones. How anyone thinks behavior is acceptable is beyond me…but my standards have been challenged lately,” wrote another.

‘There’s always one on every flight. Good for you for speaking up,” praised another.

In a Reddit post in the Delta Airlines subthread, the user explained how his or her seatmate was watching something at

In a Reddit post in the Delta Airlines subthread, the user explained how his or her seatmate was watching something at

In a Reddit post in the Delta Airlines subthread, the user explained how his or her seatmate was watching something at “full volume” the entire time the plane was boarding

The annoying interaction encouraged other users to share their own stories of annoying mid-flight interactions

The annoying interaction encouraged other users to share their own stories of annoying mid-flight interactions

The annoying interaction encouraged other users to share their own stories of annoying mid-flight interactions

Some even shared the times people had ignored their headphones in other environments.

“Not on a plane, but at my gym about a month ago, there was an older woman sitting next to me on the elliptical with a podcast or audiobook on full volume,” one user shared.

They continued, “I took off my headphones and asked her to turn them down, and I realized it was really about the value of silence and the absence of noise.

“The irony completely surprised me.”

The etiquette surrounding flying is a hotly debated topic – and divisive.

Recently, flight attendants revealed all the things a passenger should never do while flying.

Chris Price and Isold Wilberg Antonsdóttir cited going barefoot, changing baby diapers on their seats, leaving trash behind and being disorganized with luggage as the ultimate faux-pas committed by passengers.


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