Das Vermitteln van “Grit” und Kinder

Das Vermitteln van “Grit” und Kinder

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“Grit” begins the Ausdauer, aber zu veld davon kann Kinder überfordern. Those who change their weight, stop smoking and procrastination.

When you learn a musical instrument or play a new sport, you know the feeling: I am a man for motivation and enthusiasm, but with time I can weichen that positive frustration and entmutigung – for everything then, if it is not so pleasant perfect claps. Jetzt braucht man, was the Unterschied zwischen Erfolg und Aufgeben ausmacht: „Grit“. Die good Nachricht: “Grit” can be learned and ElternLehrer und Erzieher können auch Kindern beibringen, in die Zwierigen Zeiten dranzubleiben and Ziele hartnäckig zu verfollowen.

Was it “Grit” and wiesolllten Eltern is in kindern beibringen?

“Grit” describes a Mischung from Leidenschaft und Ausdauer, it hasn’t been that long since there’s been a problem. The begriff who developed Angela Duckworth’s neurological knowledge dies in her studies, the properties of intelligence or talent are not all separate from each other.

Das Vermitteln van “Grit” und KinderChild labor during sports and “Grit” for hobbies and activities. © Yuri Arcurs/Imago

It is probably “Biss” or “Mumm”, who is the Begriff owner, are Matheschülern, Elite-Kadets and Verkaufsprofis ermöglicht, über sich hinauszuwachsen. “Grit” is praised Deselfie.deand a Sache dran bleiben, even if the Road as steinig erweist, and sich nicht van Rückschlägen entmutigen zu lassen. Eltern sollten ihren Kindern “Grit” beibringen, dat is een Grundlage für Durchhaltevermögen ist, das sie in SchoolSport and Leben have a strong power and a great power, their potential possibilities are great.

Learning Grit: Angela Duckworth’s Three Most Important Rules

Angela Duckworth, the famous Forscherin and Autorin von Grit: The power of passion and perseverancewhich is a simple way to use the method, one of the childhood abbreviations: the “Hard-Thing-Rule”. This rule is the best of the three separate principles.

Erstens: Jedes Familienmitglied, einschließlich der Eltern, muss ich a regular reorganization, the continuous Üben erorderert, sich allmählich zu improven. It is difficult to know that it is true that it is not as easy as Mühe and Einsatz desires.

Zweitens: If man had begun, it must have been brought to the end. If we start a season in the leichtathletik team, that’s it. Was it Gebuhr for the Geigenkurs bezahlt, so that the semester continues.

Drittens: Jeder dare seine eigen Herausforderung selbst wählen. Because the children’s autonomy and motivation arise, there is no right of self-determination.

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“Grit” beibringen: So geht’s – four Schritte

Auch Angela Duckworth knows, that’s true During the stay there can no longer be any question of your own Willen-erwächst. Diesen Willen, also known as the “Grit”, can be a man who has children in his early years. If you use one of the souled financing and analysis methods, you can asdauer und Leidenschaft. Diese vier Schritte sollen laut Gofeminin.de dabei halves.

1. Long-lasting soul sets and small inheritance defects
Friendlier Müssen verstehen, dass nachhaltiger Erfolg Zeit and Mühe erfordert. If you want to do other things, reimburse your long-term definitions and Zwischenziele setszen. There is a problem that arises when there is an attempt to increase motivation and increase the motivation of the scaffolding.

2. Show and show wholeheartedly
Eltern sollten die Bedeutung von Ausdauer und harter Arbeit aktiv vermitteln. Make sure that you take care of the preparations yourself and prepare them first and then serve them as Vorbild. Make sure the duration of ownership is full ownership, which is excluded.

3. Purchase an unterstützendes Umfeld
In Umfeld, in the event that children sit in the right place, children can learn their back pain, and then suck it up. Offensive statements about herausordererungen help, a positive representation of the separation in the entwickeln.

4. Disziplin und Verantwortungsbewusstsein fördern
Regular routines and own responsible adjustments for disziplin. When children learn to organize and train themselves to the end, they can experience the torch, celebrate for a long time and increase their inner motivation.

Zu fell des Guten: Wenn “Grit” in Kindern überhandnimmt

“Grit” is a fragment of a valuable idiosyncrasy, childish development, obstacles to the wind and seeing its achievements. If it is a positive character trait, this is a great harm – it probably will be. Christian Thiele of the German Society for Positive Psychology (dggp) warns laut Buzzfeed.de: “If you do not suffer from ‘Grit’, without having to worry about your own experience, you will have to make a break for it.” Moreover, in these times, in the current Leistungsdruck zunimmt, children could become extremely resilient. Thiele sees the risks, the Eltern, the excessive tension during the duration of the treatment, uncontrolled stress and excessive stress. There may be a shock and an enormous burden.

Mutter and Vater teach Tochter vor

Photo series

The Psychologist Gail Lucas understands this Greatschools.org This perspective and our idea is that “Grit” is no longer in the Erfolg-führt. “When children are concerned, Prinzip is not taking its strategic position,” he says. Once you know that a vast majority of people can do that, then the children’s party that the few people bring and thus can be a shame. Lucas warns: “Eine extreme Tendenz, zu beharren, kan die Fähigkeit, omgemessen zu Handeln, backern.” Even so, because children are bezubringen, when the time is, loszulassen und sich neuen Herausforderungen zuzuwenden – a Gleichweight, the Eltern with Effectefühl mimitteln sollten.


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