Anhaltende Sorgen: Generalisierte Angststörung: Was Sie erasen müssen

Anhaltende Sorgen: Generalisierte Angststörung: Was Sie erasen müssen

Excessive worry and nervousness can cause generalized anxiety disorder. Wellbeing management is a gift and the way the Alltag can be used.

Every human being knows the goal that he or she will take care of. If most of the time and life is continued, a general anxiety disorder (GAD) can develop. This mental effort is due to the long life and excessive consumption of food, which is likely to have a number of life-threatening consequences. Has it been a general fear and can this day be a human?

Was it a generalized anxiety disorder?

The general anxiety disorder, the settlement of GAD, is a global analysis, which is carried out by the long term and the excessive strain and the calculations performed by them. These issues are all concerning and see their changing quality of life with prosperity, finances, family and turmoil. The tension is often great and a bit intense, the normal amount is higher.


Symptom and Ursachen

People with generalized anxiety are as mental as a symptom. Mental is the cause of the anxiety and the default thoughts, that was one of the most passionate things possible. Körperlich können Herzrasen, Schwitzen, Zittern, Muskelverspannungen und Schlafstörungen auftreten. The normal voltage can be applied to the operation and the concentration current.


The Ursachen für GAS since fellfältig:

Diagnosis and risk factors

The diagnosis of a general anxiety disorder is generally made during a clinical examination. Using a standard standardized diagnosis, the symptom can occur in turn. It is a very witty way to make money, earn a huge amount of energy and money, making life more interesting.


Risk factors for the treatment of a GAD are a bacterial disease, an attack (female more affected), lifestyle associated with stress or traumatic experiences.

Treatment options

General scare comments about various Weises were discussed. Psychotherapy, including cognitive therapy (KVT), can also work. If you are experiencing the consequences, you need to think and think about your change and do the best you can with your problems.


Antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications can be very difficult, one of the symptoms you experience. These techniques can be used with progressive muskel relaxation or Achtsamkeitsübungen can be hilarious.

Leben und Alltag met der Erkrankung

GAS can strongly influence the Alltag, aber with the right Unterstützung and Treatment can be affected learn a hell of a lot. It is important that the information and strategies you use alleviate the amount of stress you are having. Regular movement, a balanced analysis and an inappropriate social environment can fall under the qualification of quality of life.


Unterstützung door Angehörige und Freunde

The representation and framework of the tension play a vital role in the treatment of GAD. Patience, Einfühlungsvermögen und die Angebot, gemeinsam zu finden, können Affecteden helfen, sich weniger allein zu ühlen. It is important that you rely on the Druck and the Ermutigung, professional Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen.


Traveling and in Alltag

When you travel, there may be a general fear of a readjustment. Good preparation and non-essential medication are second to none. Maintenance techniques or routines, which help your home, can be carried out on another Hilfreich route. The fact is that it is time to pause and take a break, just a matter of time.


Who is General Anxiety Disorder?

The GAS is a serious disturbance, the quality of life can be very serious. If the treatment is good, the symptom may shift or there may be many more complaints. It is important to know that it is wise to do this and erase it, which is the same Treatment policy.



The general anxiety disorder is a complex and heraldic disorder. With the right guidance and therapy, you can take control of your life and stay on track for the long haul. The first time you do this, you can give such a task and insult it with the Erkrankung.

Uber Dr. med. University Matyas Galffy

Dr. med. University Matyas Galffy ist Facharzt für Psychiatrie und psychotherapeutische Medizin as well as Personzentrierter Psychotherapist. Human medicine and clinical neuroscience have been studied at the Medical University of Innsbruck and there is absolutely no question of a Facharztausbildung with Schwerpunkt Psychosomatics. You have a specialization in psychosomatic psychosomatic therapies followed by another diploma in palliativmedizine and spezieller Schmerztherapie. The Zuletzt war is one of the most important leaders of the special prechstunde for Angst- und Zwangsstörungen and the Universitätsklinik Innsbruck-tätig. Seither is a Lower Gelassener Arzt in Tyrol and Niederösterreich tätig. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Angststörungen, Schmerzstörungen und Psychotraumatologie.

Wittiger Hinweis: There is no more general information and no self-diagnosis or self-therapy has been considered. A general fear or in the sliding of the housing is considered so that you can make a certain decision.

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