Federal Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) with the FDP and “General Lindner” ab. © Political Moments/Imago
SPD politician Karl Lauterbach has long responded to the insurgent FDP comments. A “General Lindner” attacked immediately.
Berlin – Das Ampel-Aus hat Nachwehen. Karl Lauterbach responds on the noses of his enthusiasm Süddeutschen Zeitung and there Zeit about the FDP’s transgression has come to an end Koalition, von der die Bürger in Dezember it is still not a profitable business with the SPD and the Grüne. Christian Lindner’s attack is aimed at attacking other liberals.
Ampel-Aus: Lauterbach platzt roads „General Lindner“ der Kragen
„Who has a great history of progress, an unfassbare Enttäuschung“, wrote Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach on Friday (15. November) on X, after the time of the article „The liberal Drehbuch for the Regierungsturz“ becomes clear. If any part of the film is not directed by a man. Zum Schluss saw Wolfgang Kubicki as ‘General Lindner’.
Was soll nach Informationen von ZZ and Zeit passive signal? Offenbar ist das End of the Ampel-Koalition From the Seiten der FDP, speziell von Christian Lindner, von Langer Handgeplant gewesen. The Liberals have provoziert the Bruch with SPD and Grünen (more Politik-Nieuws at RUHR24).
FDP plans “Projekt D-Day” and wants to shoot at the Ampel-Koalition with “Torpedos”
Offenbar nannten Lindner, the former minister and ministers, including Bijan Djir-Sarai (Generalsekretär), Johannes Vogel (Parlamentarischer Geschäftsführer) and Christian Dürr (Fraktionsvorsitzender) were affected by the “Projekt D-Day” – in Anlehnung en de Landung der Alliierten 1944 in Normandy. Once the plants have been grown, the FDP can be used another time.
The strategy shows the “Projekt D-Day” that a real Wirtschaftswende will now be bought with the FDP. A cousin with SPD and Groen. The Wirtschaftswende-Papier (offenbar der “Torpedo” generated) war is constructed in such a way that the coalition partner of the new ones has had its day. There is a economics critical file that can contain the Grünen, it is not possible to work lightly. Denn de Ereignisse überschlugen sich.
Ampel-Aus: FDP “Torpedo” would be leaked and lost as a deliberate provocation
Das Magazine Stern cleared the “Torpedo”. SPD and Grüne have taken up the FDP’s plans, a provocation. Am 3. November spoke Olaf Scholz and Christian Lindner in the Kanzleramt. SPD and Olaf Scholz have developed the strategy that can lead to an exploration of their own paper of the Wirtschaftswende. With im Inhalt: Die Aussetzung der Schuldenbremse. One of the FDP researchers is Schritt. Lindner lehnt ab. Scholz starts on November 6.
After dem Ampel-Aus, dem jetzt auch das Heizungsgesetz If there’s a chance Christian Lindner appreciates one of his blessings. From a better view, wenn die Recherchen von Zeit and Süddeutscher Zeitung valide since, Lindners Auftritt wirkt wie een theaterschauspiel.
Ampel-Aus and Lindner-Entlassung: Karl Lauterbach lobs Ex-FDP-Mitglied Wissing
Karl Lauterbach, who is the Ampel-Aus minister, neither in his Tweet nor a lobbing Zeile for Volker Wissing. “My answer for Volker Wissing”. When the ex-FDP man and Prime Minister start war during Operation D-Day, say what happens – an interview with an interview FAZ – gegen een bruch der koalition aus.
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