By Sigrid März
A warm hot meal can be a dunzend dunkler insects on the lehmige Weg in Waldrand. A few things can be seen, seen, flashed later; other flights, as a spaziergängerin näherkommt – a gleich wieder zu landen. It is a male, the man in the forest changes and the Krabbler is not so big anymore.
There is no flight or Bremsen that goes home here. sondern Käfer, genauer: Feld-Sandlaufkäfer, redactieschaftlich Cicindela campestris. It is warm in the Waldrand in the Letzten Sonnenstrahlen des Tages. You’ll see someone fresh, you’ll fly. It is always the case that a plane travels further than two or three meters before it goes to the other welds.
Sandlaufkäfer is heard by the artistic family of the Laufkäfer. It is a good example, more than 2900 Arten are possible. In Germany Live new art of both the zentimeter large insects.
Unsere Sandlaufkäfer leuchten in fantastic Farben. The Feld-Sandlaufkäfer etwa shines emerald green with copper beinen and Fühlern. Sein Verwandter, der Dünen-Sandlaufkäfer, kommt nur auf de first Blick thisnter daher: The braunliche Insekt glänzt rot-metallic and schillert im Light der Sonne in all Farben des Regenboogs.
On the deck of stable chitin the cremefarbene expands punkt and flecken, your nach art is mal meer, mal weniger. If it is good, flache Körper is sitting on his stretched legs, which could be done with bright breasts.
Die Zähne gehen door jeden Panzer
If the head has a large part of the facets, the air will come out of the inflated brand of the sandlaufkäfer – the disgusting working sows will form the largest possible waiter with the nadelspitzen zähnen.
In English heißen Sandlaufkäfer „Tiger Beetles“, also called Tigerkäfer. A name that loses its name is that it is right, if it is a few strong people, about the ausgezeichneten augen and bis zu the mighty singing – herewith now one Zweck: auf die Jagd zu gehen. If it is no longer possible to die, Raubkatzen. Ganz in Gegenteil.
While the light Waldwege and Steinbrüche, Heiden, Brachen and Dünen warm up, the Jäger come out of the Verstecken. Then we put the insects, aber auch Spiders and others Gliederfüßern nach and packen sie. Die scharfen Zähne durchdringen jeden noch so massive Chitinpanzer mühelos. If you get the party in Griff, you will have to remove the detergent in the dilution enzyme and the saugen from it.
With the Jagd the text is a typical Laufmuster: sprint, kurz warten, weitersprinten. Stakkato-laufen has a unique art of fort movement. The American entomologist Cole Gilbert wrote in 1997: Sandlaufkäfer is verdammt schnell, so schnell sogar, dass sie beim Rennen kurz zijn blind. If you want to know how long it will take to turn on the device, it’s best to gauge it and then move on.
These course stoppers can be stored in the Sandlaufkäfer locker. Greater Art and History than 2.5 meters from Sekunde. In a Sekunde, a Käfer also explains more as the Hundertfache seiner Körperlänge zurück. Zum Vergleich: Ein Gepard, which is gilded as the fastest country säugetier, brings the pro Sekunde to a 30 meters – also a 20 Körperlängen. If the pace of the sand-country skiing is determined by the incorrect hetzjägern, the flights can be carried out.
Stolpern gehort dazu
Beim Spurten verlieren Sandlaufkäfer aber nicht nur ihr eigentliches Ziel vorübergehend aus dem Blick, giltjes gilded voor kleine Hindernisse. If you are no longer aware of stones or other hummingbirds, you can set the instructions in your research during your empfindlichen fuhler. Deren nach unten benten Enden tastes the Road for the sprinting Käfer ab.
If you want a small Stein, you can shorten the chargers – it is so that they are as fast as possible. If any of the business activities are in your possession, your head is lighter, the hint is not so good and the level of outright hurdles. Since the American Cornell University started in the year 2014.
Die Forscher beobachteten die dort heimische Sandlaufkäfer-Art Cicindela hirticollis. Verdeckten can make you feel like you have a problem. When the biologists followed the Fühler, the Tiere beim Runnen met Things that blocked the way.
The parts below show that the hunting strategy is perfect. Dennoch is one of the best things you can do: your schrumpfender Lebensraum. Zwar finds his Feld-Sandlaufkäfer and Dünen-Sandlaufkäfer and the Coasts of the Nord- and Ostsee bis in the Berge Süddeutschlands, they are mentioned in his File as unfährdet.
Der Lebensraum schwindet
Der Küsten-Sandlaufkäfer Cicindela maritima-allerdings lebt nur een wenigen Küstenabschnitten, de Rote Liste führt ihn als “vom Aussterben bedroht”. Ob es den Gallischen Sandlaufkäfer in Deutschland, nor gibt at all, is unclear.
“It is a fact that the secret Sandlaufkäfer-Arten has not floated on the Rotenlijst of Käferarten Stehen,” says Thorsten Aßmann, professor of Tierökology at the Universität Lüneburg. Since 1994, the team has been working on the continuation of the Insects on the Lüneburg Heath, especially in and in the Wäldern. “We pay significant attention to the diversity of our diversity”, strengthens our entomology. It is a gel for the Beispiel for the Wald-Sandlaufkäfer.
Dessens are busy closing the heathland vegetation – as living space for their beautiful nature – and are converting one of their wild habitats into a forest, a conservation policy. This combination became a selection and with the Wald-Sandlaufkäfer. “Früher galt Cicindela sylvativa as Characterart of the Heide,” recalls Aßmann. “Heute zählen wir im gesamten Niedersächsischen Tieflandbereich veldleicht noch vier, fünf Populationen.”
A Grund für das Verschwinden fouter Insektenarten, erklärt Aßmann, sei der hohe Stickstoffeintrag in ursprünglich nährstoffarme Gebiete: “Here in the Heide come with human Einflüsse all with the Rain beef 30 Kilogramm fresh Stickstoff for Hektar and Jahr herunter.“ And it could be that the Bauern heute penetrates as it decays in the distance.
See sparrows her
Of the sister products that make a profit, the most exciting ones are waiting. Brombeeren zum Beispiel überwuchern free Sandflächen and karge Trockenrasen and damit winden the Lebensräume for zahlreiche Insektenarten.
Deshalb does not bring a nature conservation area “einfach in Ruhe zu lassen”, says Aßmann. It is a brauche – who is there – “mittleres Störungsregime”. This means that you will be able to graze on the lawn with your eyes on the more important pieces and the fields.
Beim Plaggen tragen Landschaftsschützer mit schwerem Gerät die oberste Vegetationschicht samt Nährstoffen en Pflanzensamen ab. Those last Erd or Sandboden guards are now no longer near a number of levels, the attacking Lebensräume brauchen, a Heimat. All Plaggen are teuer, Stad en Gemeinden pay those costs.
In the Lüneburger Heide we found beautiful Maßnahmen grifen, um the Artenvielfalt zu fördern, concretet Aßmann. “If you want to use the sandlaufkäfer, it is neither a stricter recording.” It does not help to select art with Cicindela sylvatica. “Feld- and Dünen-Sandlaufkäfer are very black nor as häufig”, says der Entomologe, “ihre Bestände schwinden aber trotzdem.“ Fehlen geeignete Lebensräume, is now a part of the time, so that we can enjoy our art on the Roten Liste countries.
40 Zetimeter Wohnröhre
Nor can this Sandlaufkäfer regularly be at the Fortpflanzung beoachten. After the Paarung in the summer, the Weibchen empty little Dutzend Eier, they are alone in small Sandoder Erdmulden.
Daraus schlüpfen raupenähnliche Larvae, which start so quickly, are easy to grab. Bis zu 40 Zentimeter can have the right in the Constance. If you see how the Larvae in the Innere zurück, Krallen and the Beinen and an Art Höcker am Hinterleib are erleichttern in the Klettern.
Whoever imagines, the life deferred, the Larvae tags remain. Schon sie haben kräftige Greifzangen. In the Röhre you can see small insects. If you have an arglose Ameise, the Larvae will rush out of the Röhre and pack them.
Bis zwei Jahre verringen heimische Sandlaufkäfer als Larvae. You will be more than happy with your surroundings, so you can look after your home. After writing out the nutrition, you can carry out the instructions in June or July. Wenige Wochen später schlüpfen fertige Sandlaufkäfer.
Start growing older and look out for Larvae and deferred käfer in the winter quarters below Laub and Streu or in the Erde zurück. Frost protection against insects, while Sandlaufkäfer products are provided with Glyzerin – an Art Frost protection agent – in the body-friendly. So if you see the frying point and the prevention, the Eiskristalle in the Hämolymphe is present, the insektenblut is a red blut-körperchen and that’s how it is.
When the first rays of sunlight warm up the soil surface, the fire in the mantelpiece on the market dies.
This article comes from the RHEINPFALZ in the SONNTAG, the Wochenzeitung der RHEINPFALZ. Digital lessons that are available in full are displayed on the e-paper in the RHEINPFALZ app (Android, iOS). Sonntags ab 5 Uhr erhalten Sie dort aactualisierte Version mit de Nachrichten vom Samstag aus der Pfalz, Deutschland und der Welt besonderen ausführlich vom Sport.
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photos: Imago-images/image-broker, steffen schellhorn
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