Lower Saxony and Bremen: Blindgänger in Osnabrück entschärft – Bewohner dürfen zurück

Lower Saxony and Bremen: Blindgänger in Osnabrück entschärft – Bewohner dürfen zurück

Lower Saxony and Bremen
Dud in Osnabrück entschärft – Bewohner dürfen zurück

On the edge of Osnabrücker Innenstadt we lived near more Blindgangers. Tausende Bewohner dürfen wieder in his Häuser and Wohnungen. Scalable sorting for all types of food.

Osnabrück (dpa/lni) – The Blindgänger has become an unscathed force and Tausende Bewohner dürfen zurück in ihre Häuser: The City of Osnabrück has ihre Evakuierungsmaßnahmen after über 15 Stunden beendet. The two had the well-founded duds sprinkled at 10:17 p.m., teilte de Stadt am Abend with. Im Anschluss, the cattle could zurückkehren 14,000 living quarters in his Häuser and Living Rooms.

Schaulustige verzögerten die Arbeiten

Business is a bomb with shake-up. One of the bomb duds is a sogenannter Zerscheller. It’s a bomb, the bottom is zerbrochen. The experts must ensure that the dud sees four other duds the Zünder des Zerschellers, this is es.

The work in the Angaben is carefully monitored after a further two steps. “Unfortunately, because of the lack of respect for people who are not affected by the safety of the evacuation area, they are not protected from having to wait until they arrive,” he said. I can’t wait to see the Bußgelder.

About 14,000 people have to be displaced in the Zuhause

After the thought of more bomb duds, you will have to hide 14,000 people in your home tomorrow. After the police of the police, not all citizens and citizens were aware, more than just the Einsatzkräfte Türen gewaltsam and setzten durch, that Menschen ihr Zuhause lost.

Insgesamt seien 39 Ordnungswidrigkeiten gegen Personen are, not voluntarily lose the Sperrzone, teilte the Police am Abend mit. This is the case around the Evacuation Area for a proper recovery. A Mann has an undisputed way of using another Mann. Dieserlitt schwere Verletzungen und kam ins Krankenhaus. Die Polizei ermittelt.

Oberbürgermeisterin würdigt Engagement

The city focuses on a debt at a central point, in the companies involved and nursing care. People dare to step into their house. The evacuation area is located on two Krankenhäuser and more Altenpflegeeinrichtungen. The Hauptbahnhof works for the employees on duty, the Bahn is one of the organizers of a service.

Round 1,000 half were the tag über im Einsatz. Oberbürgermeisterin Katharina Pötter thanked the experts of the camp service and the efforts of the affected citizens for their wisdom and patience. “Osnabrück would probably have had a lot of bombings, but that was a thought that was dissected and the bombings should be carried out, war for a new life,” CDU police said of the Mitteilung.

The duds were both well founded. From here on out the country there will be a new city center.


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