Robbie Williams
Watch the BBC documentary with the Take-That-Manager ab
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29 years after his broadcast with Take That, Robbie Williams receives a short letter from band manager Nigel Martin-Smith. Darin rechnet der Popstar with his ex-mentor and his life as a Boyband-Star ab.
I’ve changed from being a gerade in 16 years Robbie Williams, 50, was promoted to Superstar by British boy band Take That in the 1990s. As the year continues, the part of the group’s war, the music players are with alcohol and drug problems, who have experienced so much, band colleges started in the year 1995, ohne in auf Tour gehen zu wollen. Williams loser the band, it’s been a year since he got out of the band. Zeitgleich started the Skandalsanger with Solo-Karriere, who honors his great Hefge – and that is not as bad as Manager Nigel Martin-Smith thanks to Williams, now the German power.
Robbie Williams is an ex-manager and has the power of accountability
After the Take-That-Gründer solved Williams’ problem in the BBC documentation “Boybands Forever”, the Popstar responded in a longer short letter, when I appeared on my Instagram profile on November 17, 2024. Demnach behauptete Martin-Smith voor de laufender Kamera: “Robbie is schlau, weißt du… ‘I have Drogen genommen, weil ich in dieser Band war, in der ich keine Freundinnen or nicht ausgehen konnte. Dieser böse Trottel Nigel ist debt , that I am a worthy benehme.
An insensitive comment, when a man thought that Robbie Williams had one of the plants released from the production line at a price sale in November 1994, with a Drogenüberdose sterb. “My Drogenkonsum war is not a guilt. My reaction to the world of the world, which is my property, is my own,” Williams stated clearly, before saying: “Where a taxi driver has been, how he has had the gleiche Krankheit . I was now faster than a diesem Punkt, I no longer have financial resources.”
The singer also requires the spiritual strength of the band members
Over the years, Williams has started to gather the courage of Boybands: after the group’s breakthrough, most people started in a nervous way. As a prominent Beispiel führt is his own bandkollegen and: “Howard – thought a Selbstmord, as the band aufhörte. Mark – Sucht, Alkoholismus, Reha. Gaz – Bulimie. Ich – ich Denke, das ist gut dokumentiert. Jason – welchen Effekt Take That Once it is like that, it is so smooth that there can never be a problem.” I started working at Williams with Jason Orange, 54, in September 2014, when the group was finally seeing its sales and the wool industry through the wool industry.
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In his statement, Robbie Williams said he acted “out of Rache and Wut”: “I was gemein, gefühllos and unfreundlich.” When Nigel Martin-Smith was blamed for the singer, who wasn’t even at fault and wasn’t even hit once, it was Nigel Martin-Smith’s hat. A real manager thinks he has “self-reflection and personal involvement” because he is so ignorant about Williams in the documentation. “I don’t believe in my own version of life. (…) I don’t find it in order, because my damage is trauma as a result of a medium risk, so I have a light glowing effect on my body”, states the 50-year anniversary. clearly.
Nigel Martin-Smith in the year 1997, if there Robbie Williams never made a sales offer.
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The next day the manager would like to have all the good things, understand Williams, after all: “I can with Stolz sagen, that I have been fast for 30 years with these management bin. (…) You have had the most, with my solo career zu lenken , aber leader nicht das Herz.” Ohne Martin-Smith told Williams that he did not bring that much, he acknowledges that he is proud and proud: “I owe my debt to such a person and that I am not born with it. .) You have received so many Gutes and so many Leben changes.”
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