Who has the blind mountain climber Erik Weihenmayer with the Mount Everest climbing hat

Who has the blind mountain climber Erik Weihenmayer with the Mount Everest climbing hat

Toll, entgegnete Weihenmayer, and: Everest himself has come over the best. That woman who is laughing takes her offense for good witz. Weihenmayer turned his back and then started running. “I was not safe,” he says, “we would never be happy.” “Es was now lustig.”

Erblindung im Alter von 14 Jahren

Erik Weihenmayer is blind. The alternative for these years is that I can diagnose an increased retinoschisis. The position of power of the powers is different than ever: Erik has become blind in a not too distant time. At 14 years Weihenmayer has lost the rest of the signaler Sehkraft.

“I am the leader of Stigma, the blind people of the same age”: Erik Weihenmayer climbs the high Gipfel as a blinder person and becomes more aware of his Skeptikern.Connor Koch

It has been 56 years since the American people were the first humans to reach the light of the high point of the world, the mountain peak of Mount Everest (8848 meters) – a mountain peak that may train you to see Mountain jetty is separated, or of the side and the edge that brought the power.

Who also stole Erik Weihenmayer’s tie?

Sporty Family

Weihenmayer lives in the Achtzigerjahren in the Federal State of Connecticut on one of the American East Coast. Seine Brüder were both great sports players, one of the football players, the other of the basketball player, their father war Football star in college.

Weihenmayer remembers himself, who is a young person, as he is always happy, in the Sporthalle at the Tribüne saß and fragte: And what was I doing? Was wird für mich bleiben? “I had such fear that I was afraid, so I was always aware of it,” it says. “I don’t want to live in the world of outdoor living.”

From the age of 16 there is a warning for blind youth in the Federal State of Massachusetts. A convenient location, all possible options: Radfahren, Kanufahren, Reiten – and Felsklettern.

“You are ready to go again”

“That,” said Weihenmayer heute, “war for me who is a Wiedergeburt.” If the Klettern eröffnete ihm as a new way, it is possible to get rid of it for ever.

“It’s all so motivating: You continue your journey, with your movement, you move with your hands, with the upper light of the spirit, with the structure, with the warmth of the sun.” Weihenmayer couldn’t get more from Klettern. The route, which in Angriff nahm, takes longer and answers, has started with demands, everything will be possible.

Ganz oben: 2001 Erik Weihenmayer climbed with friends on the Gipfel of Mount Everest. It is important that you undergo a different route.Ganz oben: 2001 Erik Weihenmayer climbed with friends on the Gipfel of Mount Everest. It is important that you undergo a different route.Luis Benitez

“I hated my battles. I could not wage war, but there was a blind war. If the stigma is fulfilled, the blind person is often excessive, I hate the fear, a hilarious person will become, the other spoils, in his reabschauen würden.”

A strong source

War is day on the other side of the road, there is a result: Yes, I can do that. Mir mit Handen und Füßen self een Wand erschließen. It can be different if you see people standing on the sidelines. Aber: I can comment on Gipfel. It is the Welt des Abenteuers that does this.

“That has a grim influence on me,” said Weihenmayer. You are going to work in Kraft paper for other types of education, but we continue reading these books, in the sense that there are now some sour lessons: Braille-Script lessons, Gehen mit einem Stock, technical Hilfsmöglichkeiten nutzen wie Echo-Ortung and others.

The film “Soundscape”, the last days of the European Outdoor Film Tour in the German cities of the Netherlands (termined: www.eoft.eu), erstaunliche Einblicke in das Erleben von Erik Weihenmayer.

Die Welt durch seinen Kopf wahrnehmen

The film tour was a great success during the United States. “Viele Leute haben mir danach gesagt, sie fühlten sich, as seien sie in meinem Kopf, in meinen Gedanken gewesen,” said Weihenmayer. “Sie eruhren die Berge, wie ich es tue.”

The film says that a friend made a pomegranate in the Sierra Nevada letters, the “Incredible Hulk”, 3444 meters high, with an imposing figure, which makes a bright field wall. Those who orient themselves like Klettern and Geräuschen, through the finest nuances and display information about the Gelände and the Route, win.

The sin of life: a hand-wiping tone and civilization can point Erik Weihenmayer to a bright wall of a sour quest.The sin of life: a hand-wiping tone and civilization can point Erik Weihenmayer to a bright wall of a sour quest.Well traveled collective

When your fingers reach the letters of your signals, the taschenlamps in the Dunkelheit, we will see, what the grin or the tritte is behind, who and who is moving. Whoever is there with whores, fuhlen, tastes his own image of the route, the lonely elements in the mind together with a puzzle.

“Ein Gefühl der Verbundenheit”

There was an appeal to Gipfels for his bed, but when Gipfel saw the Panorama area, or another art of Panorama: reimbursed the arm extended and the letter partner with his finger up and down on the line of the Berge am Horizont nachzeichnet .

“I didn’t glaub, that’s why we were on our way up a mountain climb,” said Weihenmayer. “It is a pleasure of prosperity, with nature, with the climbing partner, with friends. I am living in a church, who is a saint. You’ve found a whole kit, here you are, and it’s a whole lot of hope that your friends can handle your money. For my own joy, my life was more beautiful.”

Another dazzler Bergsteiger

The story of Erik Weihenmayer’s letters might have been worth doing. There was a war between Kletteren in the Dolomites, while others discovered a blinded Spitzenbergsteiger – the Österreicher Andy Holzer, who made a documentary film.

“It was completely ruined, because we met two blind Kletterers in a mountain range in the Dolomites,” said Weihenmayer. An irrer Zufall. If you have been busy with friends for 15 years, you can climb together on the Roten Turm (2702 meters) in the Lienzer Dolomites, now that they are both, or you have an Unterstützung.

“If you were not happy with your heart or your height, I was happy with you,” said Weihenmayer. “After developing this connection with those relatives, it has been one of the best experiences of my life.”

Seinem Umfeld vertrauen

There is a lot of the Glück-gehabt, the friend and the mentor of finding, said Weihenmayer, but at the end of the day it is like Lehrer went up and ganz on the Klettern-gesetzt hatte. “It is an art that offers a gift of blindness, which you can let go unnoticed,” he said.

„As a blinder man, you are free, people will be faithful, wenn your soul has. An art of trusting this life as well: that I am so fit and well prepared within those who can afford it.” Whoever is on Mount Everest, and who is there with two friends from the United States who unleash war.

Erik Weihenmayer does not want to be like der Vorzeige-Blinde gilten, the other den Berg is schlepping and watching the Gipfel who is able to play football. There are many people who want to help the team, but they will certainly have some reassurance.

Nicht auf Hilfe angewiesen sein wollen

Once, during a training tour on Mount Rainier (4392 meters) in the American Federal State of Washington, the Weihenmayer will not go any further, on the mountain Zelt with the large torches.

There is such a difference, that the Zeltstangen are ertasten zu können, but in Kälte, Sturm and Schneeregen the Hands were softly taub. At the end of the day, they were always believers, who made their own progress. Weihenmayer war frustriert, wütend, beschämt. So, there is plenty of room for the house at 40 degrees, so you can always enjoy it with ease.

“I guess, I didn’t become the fastest or the best Kletterer signal,” he said. „Aber Führung heißt für mich siehrung als: Zelte aufbauen, Schlafsäcke auslegen, Mahlzeiten kochen, Kranken zur Seite stehen, einem Others den letzten Riegel überlassen, wenn der hungrig ist – after that ist für mich Führung.“

Criticism of Unwissen

There are experts who viewed the Everest Expedition with skepticism. The criticism is that it is one of the projects that gives rise to another project. These Vorhaltungen bring Weihenmayer noch heute into Rage.

“Manche dieser Leute kannten mich nicht anyway”, says it. If you see a small chance in this, one of the few blindness changes is made. “Was aber war mit meiner gezen Vorbereitung? Your fitness experience? Dem Team, is this a collaboration? All speculations are useless in the first place. When you notice yourself, Urteile will have the feeling that you are getting into a situation that you don’t want yet.”

On May 25, 2001, during the Gipfeltag, all criticism was broader. Der Erfolg am Mount Everest schlug hohe Wellen. There is a war with the title of the “Time” magazines that have been published and where they can end up in a white house.

It’s true

There is still no solution, the best thing is to charge the Vortragsredner. There are more people who are working with their project veterans and other physical athletes, with a great chance of success.

As we continue in the world of the absent, it is so young that this is so. Weihenmayer stands at the height of the continent’s mountain peak, he sets off on a tandem mountain bike 1,700 kilometers through Vietnam, he paddles the Grand Canyon with the Kayak.

It has never been like this on ski routes, with climbing and mountain biking, among a long list of Gipfel souls that has existed for years: in California’s Yosemite Park, in Brazil, in Pakistan, in the Himalayas. “It’s a time to run,” he says and laughs.

Ein Vorbild, das Grenzen übersteigt

Erik Weihenmayer inspired and inspired people. There has been zum Vorbild, we have been so refused that the vermeintlichen Grenzen, de Körper seinen Ambitionen und Träumen have been set, improved. There is a way to help people who do their best and experience more often.

Once, in Neuseeland vom Gipfel des Mount Cook (3724 metres), after a 24-day tour, the Bergführer in the Hütte was so impressed by the signal of freedom that he said: Du solltest Edmund Hillary anrufen. The first climber of Mount Everest. “I said, ‘Was? Is it a problem?’ They said: ‘Yes, there is a Telefonbuch.’”

Weihenmayer divorces and Hillary is fragmentary, but it is not possible to say anything about woolly matters. If you leave home and dress up the mountain climbing legend and my wife, you will spread a breathtaking setting over Everest, the Himalayas and Hillary’s Hilfsprojekte dort.

“I couldn’t believe that I am sitting in Sir Edmund Hillary’s house wearing his T-shirt,” says the American, marveling that it is so hot. There was a war between the mountain scaffolders and the Abenteurs of Erik Weihenmayer, one of the best people.


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