At basketball and charity gala

At basketball and charity gala

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At basketball and charity galaOn the other hand, Gala-Veranstaltungen die Gruppen von Steffi Kaiser auf. © pv

Butzbach (pm). The Hip-Hop Tanzgruppen from Tanzstudio Steffi Kaiser look into the sky at the 46ers’ Basketball Home Games in Gießen. The groups »B-Beatz« and »Little Swaggers« from Tanzstudio are busy with the best playing times in Samstag Auftritte in the Osthalle Gießen. Message from Steffi Kaiser. Those Kids are very fun and exciting.

»Das Spiel is broadcast live on Sportdeutschland.TV. De Auftritte in der laufende Saison kamen sehr gut beim Publikum an. Photos can appear on the Facebook page of the 46ers, I have the Tanzlehrerin hervor. The »Little Swaggers« have broadcast part of the new choreography for the Hip-Hop-Meisterschaften 2025. They will continue with the Heimspiels later. Auch de Teenager-Gruppe »B-Jam Sharks«, Jugendliche in Alter von zwölf bis 15 Jahre, would not perform.

Desweiteren that the Gruppe »B-Jam Sharks« will be released at a »VIP-Veranstaltung«, on the Donnerstag, 21. November, in the statistics of the Alpine Club Gießen. The sale involved a single offer and sale. Die Einnahmen würden an ds Kinderherzzentrum Gießen spent, so Kaiser.

During the Tanzgruppe »B-Jam Sharks«, the Charity-Gala des Fördervereins Inklusion will be broadcast on Samstag, November 23, in the Dolce-Kurtheater Bad Nauheim. Der Verein würdigt Menschen, which deals with the art and science of recording, and receives the »Bildung-Inklusive-Preis«.

In Tanzstudio Kaiser a new tanz concept is used, while the children’s and youth tanz levels can be expanded. During daycare you get to know the child’s level. The tanz system is qualified by the foundation background. A new course starts for children under the age of four. Im Vordergrund stünden das Wohlbefinden en der Spaß an der Bewegung. The children playfully learn the lightest hop-hop dance routines. Es seien noch Plätze frei. Start by starting a course for overweight children and young people. Information can be found at


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