Hart aber Fair
Current on 19.11.2024, 06:05 Uhr
Karl Lauterbach (Bild) is a guest of Louis Klamroth in “Hart aber Fair” on November 18, 2024.
© WDR/Dirk Borm
The “Hart aber Fair” in Montagabend (18.) focused on the consequences of the Corona pandemic. “Wir haben noch nicht geheilt”, was a medical treatment in itself. Während Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) und een stelle zugab: “Wir haben es einfach nicht hinbekommen”, war is another stelle banghart en teilte against the FDP aus: “Beispielloser Verrat”.
Anfang April 2023 would die Pandemic official for clarity. But people noticed that Auswirkungen von three years Corona nor heute: We will have an Angehörigen lost, under Long Covid lead or the Pandemic wirtschaftlich not überstanden haben.
That is the theme at “Hart aber Fair”
The Title of Klamroths Sendung lautete: “Das Corona-Trauma: Was the Pandemic with our power?” I am Anschluss an der ARD-Medizin-Doku “Hirschhausen and the Long Treasures of Corona” Bilanzierte is one of the consequences of the wide spread of the pandemic. It is a fragment that is: “Who is the largest part of the world, was it not agree in the Aufarbeitung?”, after which a great debt and political debt arose.
It’s a guest
- Eckardt von Hirschhausen: “Wir hatten nicht nur a Pandemie, sondern auch an Infodemie”, so der Wissenschaftler. The impfung has a major influence on expenditure and little effort to protect the economy. Valse Schaussages and KI-Fakes on Netz are extremely good. “The fact that social media happened in the 1960s is no longer polio and pox,” he said.
- Karl Lauterbach (SPD): “Wir haben keine Heilung für Long Covid. That is the case for children,” said the Minister of Health. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt has this Menschen keine Perspektive. Germany is growing larger due to the pandemic that is occurring in other states. “We were rarely aware of the consequences of people being affected and suffering from long Covid. That would be unavoidable,” it said.
- Alena Buyx: “Wir haben noch nicht richtig geheilt. Die Wünde scheint gesellschaftlich nor offen”, war sich die Medizinethikerin sicher. This was the most important thing, in the Blick zu nehmen, man Positives was out the first time it went well. In political control, man has no long work for himself. “It was an unglaubliche gesellschaftliche Leistung”, inside.
- Klaus Stohr: “Man Power in a Pandemic felle things, which fellleicht nor nicht winstschaftlich fundiert sind”, so der Epidemiologe. It is a fact that the pandemic has more consequences for the economy and the evaluation of statistics. The Frage, who is the human being with the upgrade, has acquired a economic dimension. Upgrading the masks will cost hundreds of millions.
- Heribert Prantl: The author and columnist of the “Zuid-German Zeitung” says: “It is essential to ensure that all legal provisions are in place beforehand, so that the health protection should be served.” It is a real Aufarbeitung. It is not in 75 years that the Grundrechte rights have been invoked against the pandemic.
- Melanie Eckert: The psychology and the gründerin eines Krisen-Chats für Jugendliche said: “Gerade für Kinder and Jugendliche were die Maßnahmen rückblickend oft zu burdening.” The next phase of using the structure and social contacts cannot be harmful.
- Elena Lierck: The Mutter einer Long-Covid-Patientin reported: “For a year, my daughter was born and said: ‘I will naturally be happy in that school’. You will notice that in your year, you will be strong.” Man still suffers more from the disease, he is a symptom of a symptom, he no longer enjoys school, or is an überfürsorglichen mutter, so Lierck. Man began to no longer understand.
It’s Abends’ moment at “Hart aber Fair”
The moment of the pandemic is now at the edge of the pandemic. Lauterbach has made his accusations, it is a president who has written Trump into the Covid-19 crisis. Klamroth says: “Rückschritte gab es in letzter Zeit in der Ampel-Regierung auch, die letztendlich zerbrochen ist. Es gab Recherchen der Zeit, die zeit, the FDP donated monatelang to a Koalitionsbruch hinged hat” and wolllte erase, ob Lauterbach nochmal mit der FDP and Lindner was employed at work.
Lauterbach reasoned nicht lang een Brei-herum: “Nein”, it is soft. “That is a beispielloser Verrat. I had a lot of trouble with it, but that was more than hand planted,” he said. Grüne and SPD have gone crazy, a problem that cannot be repaired and has not been solved, it is the FDP that will sabotage this time. “That’s the way to go, that’s the man with such a party and not to rule sollte. And if I mess up things, I could live, if the FDP wouldn’t come into the Bundestag,” he said Unmut.
This is the Rede-Duell des Abends
There has been a more intensive control of a corona protective situation, which Lauterbach criticizes. “The fact is that the FDP has not compromised,” it argued. Stöhr ief dazwischen: “Jetzt schieben Sie das maar nicht auf die FDP.” Lauterbach fuhr unbeirrt fort: “Es wird mit das Erste sein, was een nieuw Bundesregierung der Bevölkerung-debt.” Statt gegenseitiger Anschuldigungen und Missverständnisse müsse die Gesellschaft wieder zeeammengeführt zijn.
So let’s take care of Louis Klamroth
Was Klamroth dependent on: There was an empathetic character and it was a good idea to see “Blick nach vorn” and “Blick zurück”. There is a fragment of the question: “Haben wir die Pandemie rückblickend gut überstanden?” or “Teilt sich die Gesellschaft heute in die, die sich vergessen leisten können en die, die is nicht können?”. A start of shipping is more of an event: Why is there a reason for Corona? Why is the theme not relevant and discussion-oriented? If the ARD-Doku in Vorfeld no longer works, it is certainly the case that they are completely empty.
Das ist das Ergebnis at “Hart aber Fair”
Lauterbach insists: “I am of the opinion that the impfpflicht nicht is gewesen.” The Runde war sich einig: Es war ein Fehler, Impfpflicht-Gegner often pauses as Impf-Gegner-darzustellen. In particular, the youth had brought about an “unerbroderte Solidarität”. Man müsse nun fragen: “Was since that Boomer the Jugendlichen guilty?” Whatever the case with the Hinweise: There is a new pandemic and a high infection rate neither during the long covid risks.
Spoiled Quellen
- ARD: “Hart aber Fair” from 18.11.2024
Current on 20.10.2024, 15:28 Uhr
The enormous reform of the financial house has diminished due to the financial pressure and a special specialization has emerged. Was it bedridden for the Netz der Klinikstandorte?
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