Oberhausen. Before 20 years, a very best tradition began in Biefang: The Nikolausmarkt was gilded as Markenzeichen des Stadtteils.
Yeah, who’s at war with the dam? These fragments became much larger in that Advent and small Nikolaus fans from Oberhausen-Biefang set. Today: For 20 years since the Nikolaus der Bürgerinteressengemeinschaft (BIG) Biefang zum ersten Mal im Stadtteil präsent. And it is an unusual Weise.
In December 2004, the BIG Biefang started a Nikolaus with Pferd and Wagen bestelt, when he made a plant from the BIG press presentation, we should become, weil der vorgesehene, natural manly Candidate candidate is the last hatte.
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Open the overview in Nikolaus-Kostüm! Also the Kutsche with a weiblichen Nikolaus über the Biefanger Straßen and lud for all the children, sich bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit at Rathenauplatz zu versammeln. If you want the valuable health care to be taken care of, your Mädchen and Jungen with Stutenkerlen and Süßigkeiten from the Nikolaus-Sack. Everything that is a problem for the big team and the big team is a smaller, seemlich vorwitziger Naseweis lauthals krähte: „Der Nikolaus is a eine Frau!“ Macht nichts, jedenfalls war der Anfang gemacht.
Treue Besucher: Drillinge was first as a child, then as a young Damen dabei
Many of our inner experiences have begun over the years, so insist on a small drill for the BIG standard and such a large deko for your children’s zimmer. A few years later you can go into the depths, the attack on Drilling, and the Stand. If you do these three things, look at Drilling as a cousin! A tactful experience of this first drill, with young ladies being reunited, they still fall on the Nikolausmarkt.
Since 20 years, I’m happy to have a look at the beautiful finished Nikolausmarkt in Biefang in December 2015.
© FUNKE Photo Services | Christoph Wojtyczka
“With a small business market in Biefang you can enjoy a visit to the venue,” reports Ute Weyen. There are people who gather at the Rathenauplatz after working a few years ago with the Head of the Koningsschule, Sven Siebenmorgen, at the Schulhof of the Koningsschule, on the Marktplatz of Biefang. They are always happy during the first days of the year this month, with a visit to Oberhausen and surroundings to enjoy Essen and Trinken with stimmungsful music. And the children are getting bigger and richer in content – 500 were in our final year!
Am Samstag, 7. Dezember, start of the Nikolausmarkt 2024 in Biefang
Am Samstag, December 7, 2024, is nun wieder so weit. From 2:30 PM to 7 PM at the Nikolausmarkt 2024 in Biefang at the Schulhof of the Königschule. All have been loaded, so be sure. Nikolaus-Kenner Silas (6 years old) puts it this way: “In Biefang we are all real, we are the only ones Nikolaus!”
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