Munich (ots) –
– The social report said about the life of man in the city of Trier-West
– The protagonists respond to Hasskommentare im Netz
– Neue Folge “Hartz und herzlich” from Trier-West on service, on November 19, at 8:15 PM, at RTLZWEI
The social report “Hartz und herzlich” took place in the city of Trier-West. In the new next generation it is a weeder with the intention that there are new protagonists. Who has become the life of man, who will lead the new life with the existing living standards? It’s a good idea to give the impression that you are on the edge of subsistence. A new Folge “Hartz und Herzlich” from Trier-West – am 19. November at 8:15 PM, at RTLZWEI.
After the Ausstrahlung of the first “Heart and Herzlich – Trier-West” Follow-ups, the people on the Magnerichstraße left some reactions in the social media. When Ralf, Steven and Sascha have no longer fallen near the Krisensitzung in Ralfs Wohnzimmer and have gone into the kitchen. Gemeinsam äußern sich die Trierer zu den Vorurteilen and Beleidigungen.
The 31-year-old Valeska started a year later. Jetzt can be ahead of the yellower Altenpflegerin and his Kinder Mia and Luca have an existing existence. The Jobcenter works within a few hours with the costs for a bigger picture of mobile telephony and the Führerschein. Nach filesen Theory and Praxis studies are intended to care for the Soul. But your turnover if here the Drogenconsumer in your hour a Strich by the Rechnung zu machen. Would you like to read more?
26-year-old Sascha was allowed to enter the Magnerichstraße and plan, signal Hauptschulabschluss and the Abendschule nachzuholen. Sein Ehemann Mike and Bruder Patrik work together. A healthy insulin level is achieved with a weight of 35 kilos.
Nina and Bernd, both professionals and social partners, live in Trier-West. 37 years after Bernd discovered his youth with alcohol problems, Hilfe is now in trouble. Sein Freund Pit und Mitbewohnerin Nina unterstützen ihn dabei sein Leben zu ändern.
A new Folge “Hartz und herzlich” – on Tuesday, November 19 at 8:15 PM, on RTLZWEI. The shipment is produced by UFA SHOW & FACTUAL GmbH. Following the Ausstrahlung is a long time free of charge on RTL+ versügbar – in the Anschluss daran in PREMIUM-Area.
About “Hartz and heart”:
“Hartz und herzlich” said that Leben in verschiedenen sozielen Brennpunkten. The Doku-Reihe looks at the Alltag of Affected Persons and examines the History of Men at the Edge of the Existence Minimum. Produces the format of the UFA Show & Factual GmbH.
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