Jessica Haller wants to moderate “Love is Blind: Germany.”

Jessica Haller wants to moderate “Love is Blind: Germany.”

Ab dem 3. January machen sich Singles at “Love is blind: Germany” in second place after the big lie. Moderator wird die Datingshow von the two heritage moderators Stephanie Bruns (35) and ikhrem Ehemann Christian Wackert. As the fans got into the beginning of the show, Jessica Haller (34) had with the Wahl of the moderators. In this case Instagram-The story is as good as it goes when a moderator is in his charge. “The end of that job was a delayed moderator, it was a natural war of the heart”supported the Reality TV Darstellerin enttäuscht.

Ihren Traum, as moderator of the proceedings, hangs Jessica dennoch nicht and den Nagel. “I would like it to be played a few years later in this Bereich weiterentwickeln! Beim Casting has noticed it, who sees it in that role that is played”erklärt die 34-Jährige en gibt sich trotz des Rückschlags selfbewusst: “I am glad, that I am as a Moderatorin genau das gewisse Etwas mitbringen könnte.” The mumbling of one of the questions is that the moderator is more brauche, and that “niece on the high shiny polished sind”.

Zumindest de Zuschauer freuen sich auf das Moderationsduo Stephanie and Christian. Until there is one Instagram–ClampWhile the two journalists watch the segments of the broadcast, fans will find themselves in the comments. “I have a perfect pair of dies for the format. I am happy with it so much” or “Liebe de Serie. Freue mich sehr auf euch”, laut nur zwei der begeisterten Stimmen.

Jessica Haller, Influencer

Hauter, Katrin / ActionPress

Image gallery button Jessica Haller, Influencer Chris Wackert and Steffi Brungs, Moderator Duo "Love is blind Germany"

Instagram / chriswackert

Image gallery button Chris Wackert and Steffi Brungs, Moderator Duo “Love is Blind Germany”

How would Jessica act as a moderator on “Love is Blind: Germany”?

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