During the festive annual presentation of MAC JEANS, a brilliant Limited Edition with the exciting names MAC DIAMOND. Inspired vom Taylor Swift-Style hat the MAC-Atelier in Handarbeit exclusive Schmuckhosen creates, which is completed during another AKTION BEI LUDWIG BECK – KAUFHAUS DER SINNE – VOM 5. BIS 7. THISMBER. The story: Jede Kundin buys a MAC JEANS Snake that Chance, a 1-carat and a 2-carat “Lab-Grown-Diamond” have won.

Fashion Talk in prominent Gesellschaft

Zum Auftakt dieser Promotion laden BUNTE und MAC JEANS van een FASHION TALK AT LUDWIG BECK AM 5. THISMBER 2024. Prominent Talk Guest is: MAC JEANS Markenbotschafterin anyway Model Sylvie MeisInfluencerin Sara Brandner and Eveline Schönleber (CEO and shareholder MAC JEANS). Moderiert was the Talk of Fashion Director and accompanied the chef Petra Pfaller.

So you can take the time

Interest is worthwhile, look at [email protected] in one of the desired places for the exciting panel of your choice. Es gilded tie Prinzip “first come, first served”. This is the message.


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