Lagebild Ukraine: “North Korea will not be a victim of a soldier’s life”

Lagebild Ukraine: “North Korea will not be a victim of a soldier’s life”

North Korea will begin Mass Production von Kamikaze-Drohnen

North Korean Secretary of State Kim Jong-un has mass-produced the so-called Kamikaze-Drohnen activities. The message from the Staatssender KRT is free and has taken photos, which Kim said during Drohnen’s inspection. There is a time when the years in the Rahmen are one of the most rapid military operations in Russia, the test of Kamikaze-Drohnen beige military experts, North Korea can join the technical technical Hilfe in Moscow.


The Entfesselung der ATACMS-Raketen-hat follows the Kreml. The offensive in Kursk with the Brechstange began: Hohe Verluste was finally suppressed by Wladimir Putin – and Kim Jong-un was not reassured.

Keine Zeit? blue News soon for these sisters

  • ATACMS-Freigabe: The Russian army is short of depots and bases in the hinterland, a problem that has not been affected.
  • In 2025, the 3000 Marschflugkörper will be restored, so that no one can be fragmented for a while.
  • Grauzone Verlustzahlen: Who they berechnet berechnet wo die Unschärfen lie and was the where Grössen sind.
  • Einsatz der Nordkoreaner in Kursk: «If we are there, no one will be happy.»
  • Ukrainian general over North Korea: «The resistance to resistance is very fragile.»

No details have been found, Wolodymyr Selenskyj said. Ukraine can take the next step: etwa mit der heimischen NeptuneNow the time has come with ATACMS. “Wir were all nuts,” the president said on November 19.

Starting tomorrow, 1000. The Krieges die on the Tag, and the first ATACMS chosen become a Soul on Boden, Russia. In the environment of the Pentagons, Reuters, that is Russia angelic Now two of the eight abgefeierten Rockets can be used. Moskau will install ATACMS and 42 Drohnen itself.

Although the ATACMS targeted the ammunition depot in Bryansk in the attack, it is not yet clear. In fact, it is every day that the Russian army is no longer an ammunition butcher in the hinterland. The Treibstoff depots are located in the Schlagdistanz der Rakete with a Reichsweite of 300 kilometers on 14 Russian flights, which has military use.

Gleichzeitig fährt the Ukraine the production of the secret R-360 Neptune hoch, die een Reichweite von gut 200 Kilometern haben soll. 100 soles in diesem Years are produced, but nightly Jahr will Selenskyj 3000 Marschflugkörper on a Heimisch Boden production process, for the Einsatz no one is an Erlaubnis-fragen muss.

Hohe Verluste – aber wie hoch genau?

Whoever gave the Ukrainian Armee an ausgeschaltet hat is fraglich. Who lives in the western world with 600,000 to 700,000 Russian delights and dies «New York Times». The problem: this thing has disappeared like a verletzten – and with the verletzten there would be no zwischen loch in the head and a splitter in the uninterrupted.

If you are on the run, you can buy a soldier before he is born – and so dismal in the published statistics. Find journalists who are interested in the story: they are working on their posts, social media posts and messages. Laut BBC Since November 78,329 Russians have fallen. Mediazone and Medusa are among the criminals of the case this summer.

If you have a theme, a soldier goes missing. For the missing persons of the State with no money and the hindrances. Demnach 150,000 Russians have been quickly murdered since the end of October. Treasures, which sum up your whole life, are unbelievably lost since, come to 405,000 and 484,000 persons.

«If there is a problem, no one will come to terms with it»

One of their goals for the next generations is in the Kursk Oblast, where the Russian army is engaged with the men from North Korea: the Rückeroberung bis zu Donald Trump’s Amtseinführung am January 20. Hohe Verluste schrecken Pjöngjang bei der Schützenhilfe nicht ab: “North Korea will not, that is now a soldier’s life”, glaubt an Überläufer. “If you are there, no one will come around.”

Low in Kursk on November 19. Laut dem Institute for the Study of War. Low in Kursk am 19. November laut dem Institute for the Study of War.


Der Mann with the pseudonym Chung erklärt «Daily National Championships»It is not that the soldiers in Russia have been redeployed. Widersprechen is no longer possible: “All North Korean soldiers who are in Australia must be prepared to live their lives in the camp.” Gehorsam said everything, so Chung.

Warum Kim Jong-un seine Leute nicht wiederbekommen wil? «The Fuehrung would think that the sales are not hilfree since, because the regime zu erhalten. If you had the experience of living there, you would have been able to cope with the negative aspects of the regime.»

«Die Kampfkraft dieser Einheiten is still fragile»

In this view, Pjöngjang’s Wunsch in Erfüllung could gehen, meint der Kommandeur der Ukraïnse Luftsturmtruppen. «Wir schätzen, dass es mehr als 10,000 (North Korean in Kursk) gibt», with Ihor Skybiuk zitiert. «The Military Force of Ukraine eliminates more than 1000 (feindliche Soldiers). Das heisst, ihr Kontingent reicht für ungefähr zehn Tage.»

Der Brigadier General führt aus: “I think that (those Russians) should be one of the most common armed forces, wahrscheinliche konzessionen machen, Vorteile anbieten, sich öffentlich blamieren. The Kampfkraft dieser is a bit fragmentary, if the man and the standard in North Korea thinks.»

Moskau is the Verlusten in Kursk, unmanaged and moves the 76. Luftland Division with 7500 Mann in the region. They are limited to 50,000 soldiers estimated The Russian army in Kursk, the North Korean army, has given all naval infantry and Luftlandtruppen the best chance.


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