Ziegler Group insolvent: Was the debt for the SpVgg SV Weiden?

Ziegler Group insolvent: Was the debt for the SpVgg SV Weiden?

If the employees are responsible for 3,000 employees, the largest employees of the Nordoberpfalz are involved and they are responsible for the maintenance work, which is also an insolvency procedure. It is possible that the mortgage interest deduction will be implemented at the highest term. It is a shock for the region and their description.

Affected by the financial department of Ziegler Holding GmbH is one of the football players from Nordoberpfalz, the SpVgg SV Weiden. See more years of Ziegler Group as jersey sponsor of the Bayernliga-Kicker. Do you see the bankruptcy agreement for financing after that?

It is a celebration that the Ziegler Group will be going to the end of the Spielzeit 2024/25 as Trikot sponsor of the SpVgg SV Weiden. “All Vereinbarungen were fulfilled until June 30, 2025, the sale ended. When the Ziegler Group was no longer Trikot sponsor of the SpVgg SV Weiden. This is not the first day of the Insolvency Thematic Decisions.”informed Rüdiger Hügel, Sportdirektor der Spielvereinigung, on FuPa-Nachfrage.

The Zahlungsunfähigkeit of Ziegler Holding GmbH has no effect on the activity of the Wasserwerkler, Hügel clearly states: “Wir haben Sponsoren aus chiedensten Bereichen. Val Wert was placed on smaller sponsors. Cases of one or more sponsors away are not affected by the consequences of the vereins.” Heißt in plain text: “Der Spielbetrieb is not an enjoyable experience.” Not affected is the Jugendabteilung in the Nachwuchsleistungszentrum, which has no Ziegler-Gelder floss here.

Grundsätzlich bedauert the SpVgg SV Weiden, was currently for itself at the Ziegler-Company. “The war is a loyal and committed partner of the Vereins, which is committed as a Trikot sponsor. We will tell you the times when the flight takes place. It is with great gratitude that the company has supported the SpVgg SV Weiden in recent years. These delays will continue to be accomplished.”teilt Rüdiger Hügel mit.

Einfluss hat die Ziegler-Insolvenz alldings auf das Hallenturnier der SpVgg SV am 28. December 2024 in der neurovierten Weidener Mehrzweckhalle. The “SpVgg SV Weiden Hallen-Cup” was played with the “Ziegler Group Karriere-Cup”. The bisher of the Ziegler Group indicates costs for Medaillen, Pokale, Essen und Trinken etc. de Verein fortan wieder aus der eigenen Tasche zahlen.


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