Power toys for Windows: they can know these unanswered functions

Power toys for Windows: they can know these unanswered functions

Windows 11 is the most powerful Betriebs system that Microsoft has used. Allerdings fehlen in der Grundausstattung immer noch Tools.

If you have a few similar features, the basic Windows feature is enabled, but then you can install the optional app Microsoft Power Toys. There are many cooling functions that provide the best results.

Find out who Powertoys are and its popular features Image size according to Rechtklick, Tastatur manager (for those Umbelegung bestimmter Tasten), Text extractor (for copying text from images), Vorschau (from Dateien in Datei-Explorer) and Image ruler (for the messages of pixels on the images) bereits.

If you are unable to use more Powertoys functions, this may be incomprehensible. Suggest your question.

Was it Microsoft Power Toys?

Microsoft Powertoys is a Sammlung of service programs, the Grundfunktionen of Windows are there and can set all the functions and functions of Verfügung, stack the product and the Arbeit a bit ererleichttern.

In the first time after the Revival (the first Powertoys founded in 2007), the new war was now exploited once by using a certain installer, that is true GitHub re-loading must be done. Jetzt is ash available directly from the Microsoft Store. An alternative is to take the program to a higher level UniGetUI view and check out updates.

Powertoys Dashboard

Once installed, you can use the functionality of the Powertoys dashboard, allowing you to use, activate or deactivate it.

Christoph Hofmann

On the Powertoys page in the Microsoft Store, click this page Install. After starting the Powertoys, most functions are active by default. If you are active, you should avoid using autumn. These will then no longer be used Deactivable module shoved. A Mauslick function allows you to use the functions of a particular type.

If you can use some useful Powertoys features, you can make them active.

Erweitertes Einfügen

If you use text from the web browser, a text transmission or other program can be copied so that the formatting is performed in the line. If you want to read the text, the text is a fact, without that bishige formation. Dazu drücken Sie nach der Tastenkombination Stg+C (Copy) at Einfügen die Tastenkombination Strg+Umschalt+V.

Powertoys-Erweitertes Einfügen

Christoph Hofmann

There is still a description of the Powertoys function Erweitertes Einfügen. If you can use “As nur Text”, “As Markdown” and “As JSON” it will be used by AI, a similar formatting to your current situation OpenAI API Schlüssel own. Erweitertes Einfügen Verfügt een über een Verlauf der Zwischenablage, der Ihnen een List van alle Dinge anzeigt, die Sie vor koprt haben.

Drücken Sie dazu die Windows Flavor with der Umschalttaste+V and when you have the special effect you may be using. Alternatively, you can use the flavor combinations to customize.

Immerse yourself in the Vordergrund

If you’re a Fenster, if you’re in the Can, is it a great hint that others are changing the Fenstern? With the function Immerse yourself in the Vordergrund If you do this it will be permanently in the foreground.

Powertoys-Fenster in Vordergrund

Christoph Hofmann

Highlight your window, which is the foreground, and print your touch Windows+Strg+T. The window has created a large image (je nach Windows-Design), it is “in the foreground” of your knowledge. You can deactivate the Befehl with or use it on another Fenster exclusive.


The paint is a workpiece, with the color of a pixel in the photos that exist. An eyedropper works in the photo program Adobe Photoshop. If you use the Farbwähler, it will be used.


Christoph Hofmann

Drücken Sie Flavor combination Windows+Umschalt+C. Go to the Mauszeiger about the Pixel, to your inheritance agreements, and click on your details. The overview with the color codes is just as good. You can use other color codes with CMYK marks.

Fancy Zones

Windows 11 has been given an integrated feature name Snap formatsWith these images you can quickly organize various configurations. If this feature stops working, this will not be done Fancy Zones from Powertoys possible.


Christoph Hofmann

Drücken Sie die Windows Taste+Shift+Backtick (that’s who that is Windows Flavor Tilde) and when you use the configuration you can use it. If all goes well, this is a right auf Install new layout click the button to view your own individual layout for your home. The feature works with more monitors, as you see the image.

Datei-Explorer add-ons

In Windows 11, you can use the Datei-Explorer to preview images and top document types in the previous version, or you can start booting the data. With the Powertoys you can use the Datei-Explorer to prevent another Datei pen from being deleted.


Christoph Hofmann

By default, date explorer add-ons can use a file of SVG data, markdown data and Quellcode formats with CPP, JSON, PY, XML. anzeigen. If you activate the image to download the PDF data, you can view it in the thumbnail view.

Mausdienstprogramma − Meine Maus suchen

Do you think it is a good idea to rediscover the Maus, a herauszufinden, who will find the Mauszeiger? If you use more monitors, you can solve problems and it is difficult to hide (einfriert) the PC, or this becomes a problem.

Find My Mouse feature of Microsoft Powertoys screenshot

Jon Martindale/IDG

Mit My Maus kiss in Powertoys is no longer a problem. If this feature is active, you should use it now zweimal die Strg-Taste drücken, eh Ihren Mauszeiger zu markieren. Is it possible for you to acknowledge this? Activate Sie das Fadenkreuz mit der Windows-Taste+Alt+P.


Do you have a large collection of photos or videos with generic date names and can never use them once?


Christoph Hofmann

No problem mit PowerRename! Mark all the dates you can use, then stop the Umschalttaste printed and Click on the button with the rights Maustastethere is an extensive context menu about it. Wählen Sie dann Use PowerRename.

If you read the text inside the date names, there are setzen and the fact is, you were allowed to ersetzen. Click the button Apply.

Power Toys Run

That Windows such is no better than starting an application, or? Powertoys Run is attractive and light, it is active. Drücken Sie einfach die Tasten Alt+space (Leather flavour). Make sure you can start quickly and efficiently.


Christoph Hofmann

Powertoys Run shows my fragments once they are fresh. If the Windows software is suitable for the installed installation MicroSIP Used, see now, my Bing-Ergebnisse zu liefern. Powertoys Run finds the Anwendung experience, if so Micro SIP with Leerzeichen suche!

Flavor combinations super view

Windows 11 offers a practical combination of flavor combinations, with your work and the tag PC useful features that you can use when you see all brands? I don’t see it. Aber Powertoys can Ihnen with der Flavor combinations super view the results of these new taste combinations.

Powertoys-Touch combinations

Christoph Hofmann

Drücken Sie die Tasten Windows+Umscalt+’ (that is also the information you see). Make sure there is a list of flavor combinations on the image. If you press the Windows flavor and one of the seeds and the flavor on the screen, this is the only way you can use it.

Read more: Power Toys: 25 Free Tools from Microsoft

This article is available from our Schwester publication PCWorld and they were also translated into English and localized.


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