November 1, 2024
External Inhalt (Kanzleimitteilung)
Dr. Claudia Nawroth
Nawroth Healthcare law and litigation
Neue Healthcare-Kanzlei in Düsseldorf
In November 2024, Dr. Claudia Nawroth has his own Kanzlei in Düsseldorf specialized in: Nawroth Healthcare Law & Litigation. The new Boutique-Kanzlei vereint finances the regulator and process expertise for the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical sectors.
After 23 years at Großkanzleien, Davon 18 years at Clifford Chance, Dr. Nawroth a knowledge of knowledge, developed industry knowledge and a high international level of service in his specialist Beratung. A moderating Wachstum der Kanzlei will be planted in the coming years.
Dr. Claudia Nawroth, who died in the industry as an excellent gilt, started the berufliche Laufbahn in 2002 at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Dusseldorf. In 2007 the war started with the renowned Pharmarechts team of Ulf Doepner and Dr. Ulrich Reese with Dr. Ulrich Reese and other Associates of Clifford Chance. In the healthcare practice under the leadership of Dr. Peter Dieners and Dr. Ulrich Reese, they can continue to use their expertise in general law as advisors.
Over the last two years, Dr. Nawroth has developed an expert in the field of regulatory frameworks and a comprehensive approach to healthcare in production. Special recognition has Dr. Nawroth guided through his research for the Federal Government: Beriet, the Task Force on Waste Production and the Federal Ministry for the Health of Waste Management and the Sogenante Pandemic Management, which are responsible for improving safety in Germany. Darüberhinaus hat sie ich in der Gestaltung und Verhandlung branchenspezifischer Verträge hervorgetan.
“I would like Nawroth Healthcare Law & Litigation to be a specialist in the pharmaceutical and medical sector concerned with the development and long-term development of my research for the business niches currently operating in a particular industry,” said Dr. Claudia Nawroth. “With my Kanzlei, an international service level with a personal and agile connection can connect the Unternehmen, Dienstleister and Behörden in optimal business operations.”
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