KB5046740 Windows 11 24H2 (Manueller Download) 26100.2454 as optional update November (Jetzt für all)

KB5046740 Windows 11 24H2 (Manueller Download) 26100.2454 as optional update November (Jetzt für all)

(Update 21.11.2024): Microsoft has no longer supported KB 5046740 and is only available for all free data. This also applies to Windows 11 24H2 26100.2454. The downloads have a natural effect.

(Update 19.11.2024): Microsoft still has not installed the KB5046740, but it can no longer be used. There are no problems yet with the version number of Windows 11 24H2 26100.2454.

If you choose to update Microsoft in the RP channel, it won’t be until it’s a 4th. The manual update has been completed.

(Original 14.11.2024): First the Security updates and then the optional updates for the November gleich are referred to here. This is the error KB 5046740 and the version number on Windows 11 24H2 26100.2448. An optional update may take place that year.

KB5046740 Windows 11 24H2 (Manueller Download) 26100.2454 as optional update November (Jetzt für all)

An optional update in the RP channel is available. All others are four services in this month. Who ever. The problem with dem Datei Explorer (3-point menu) hat Microsoft made the right choice. Most importantly, the menu will last forever. Use the solution from ViVeTools. Siehe in diesem Beitrag.

Voraussetzung I’m dying for this update KB5043080 from 10.09.24. The latest update is not yet complete, but the Checkpoint update will be available soon. Wir hatten here and here about the function requirement clean message set.

An issue may occur during KB5046740

  • There are a few problems that can occur if the game on arm devices is not set to the lowest setting, Roblox in the Microsoft Store under Windows herunterzuload and zu play. Spieler auf Arm-Geräten can play Roblox, indem your title from www.Roblox.com herunterladen.

Corrections and edits via KB5046740

  • Task manager Correktur: The Anzahl der Gruppen on the Register card „Prozesse“ is incorrect or is null (0). When you are done, your “Nach Typ groups” will be finalized.
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Korrektur: You cannot continue with the development of the Dev Drive.
  • Internet connection Korrigiert: A small Anzahl from Geräten cannot restore any Connection zum Internet. Once that is the case, a DHCP server with dual DHCP options will be enabled. This stops the IPv4 connections at the best network.

Neuerungen und Verbesserungen KB5046740

The following functions and operations are no longer possible for all notes that are processed as quickly as possible.

  • Start menu No! If you right click on the Apps in the Start menu, you can see the Jumplists for Apps, which will interrupt this function.
  • To-do list No! The notification area has a date and time displayed. The Benachrichtigungsglocken-Symbol may not have changed if the “Nicht disturb” mode is active. If the clock symbol is no longer visible, the aiming center is no longer suitable when you click on the date and time. Zur Rückkehr zur Langform von Datum und Datum unter Einstellungen > Datum und Uhrzeit den Schalter für „Zeit und Datum in der Taskleiste anzeigen“ active. With the Glockensymbol anzuzeigen, under Einstellungen > System > Benachrichtigungen the Schalter für „Benachrichtigungen“ activates. These settings can be displayed in the background of the context so that you can right-click on the system tray or click the clock symbol.
  • Touch screen No! This update is a new step forward on the screen edge of the touchscreens. The connection can be established or the permissions can be disabled in Settings > Bluetooth and devices > Touch.
  • Task manager No! The dialogue for “Tlopen” and “Abmelden” unfolds the Dunkelmode and Textkalierung.
    No! Der Bereich “Leistung” nun de Typ für jede Festplatte an.
  • Eingabe Methods Editor (IME) No! After installing these updates, the IME icons will appear when apps are displayed in full image mode. If it is now safe, the IME symbols will become active and Chinese or Japanese.
  • Datei Explorer No! Get the contents of the context in the date explorer and on the desktop to an Android device. The Phone Link is installed and configured on the PC for the nutzung function.
  • IFilters No! Die Windows-like führt IFilters in weniger privileged App-Containern (LPAC) aus. LPACs are available in App-Container, which gives the standard more rights. A process in an LPAC that now gets started with the right resources, without sensible system components and dating. This replaces the damage potential and compromised processes.
  • Dynamic Beleuchtungse-instellungen No! The page says to have a platzhalter connection, if there is no compatibility with the computer, and the sloping and effective effects can be expanded.
    No! This update has been implemented with Vorwärts, Rückwärts, Auswärts and Einwärts options for handling the well effects. The farbverlaufeffect enhances your benefits with a Vorwärts-Option.
  • Bildschirmausleseprogramm (Narrator) No! New functions in the scan mode of the image display programs are changed. „N überspringt Links“ (N’) ermöglicht Navigatie zum Texthinter einem Link. Besonders hilfreich in long emails, nachrichten articles and wiki pages. „Springen zu Listen“ (L’) bietet schnellen Zugriff auf Listen on Websites or in Dokumenten. New functions for using Narrator (Win-Taste + Strg + Eingabetaste) are active, the scan mode with Feststelltaste + Leertaste is set and the new flavor combinations “N” and “L” are used. Beachten: The Scan Mode is on the most recent websites (see B. Nachrichtenartikelen, Wiki-Seiten usw.) standard single data.
  • Sprache in Windows No! The speech recognition and speech synthesis in Windows are completed. Nutzer*innen from Narrator, Sprachzugriff, Live-Untertitlen, Live-Übersetzungen und Sprachsteuerung ensure a better display of the Sprachdateien manual for activation. The statements are listed separately in the Microsoft Store.
  • Installations No! “Maßgeschneiderte Erlebnisse” is now “Personalized Angebote” in the Ersteinrichtung (OOBE). This function is available on the “Empfehlungen and Angebote” page under settings > Data protection and security can be found and can be deactivated, a sending of devices to the Windows version that is not connected.
  • Jump listening No! With the contents of Shift- and Strg-Taste and a click on an element in a Sprunglist list, it is offnet by the administrator.
  • DISM Behoben: StartComponentCleanup-Aufgabe funktioniert nichtnungsgemäß and bleibt bei 71% stehen, Fehler 6842 erscheint.
  • PowerShell Behoben: The Get-WindowsCapability schlägt manchmal fehl, was a new start of the PC’s hereditary power.
  • Windows update Behoben: Updates from Fehler 0x800f0905 can be performed during installation.
  • JPG dates Behoben: The API cannot use rotation information.
  • Image Behoben: App Window can converge in one of the monitors after the devices are turned on in energy saving mode, especially if there are more monitors.
    Manufacturer: Mica-Material cannot be corrected when using a slideshow as a background.
  • Maus Behoben: Bei Verwendung der Funktion „Position des Mauszeigers zeigen, if die Strg-Taste is printed“, können de Kreise auf einigen Bildschirmen zu small signals.
  • Zwischenablage Behoben: Der Verlauf der Zwischenablage (Windows-Logo-Taste + V) zeit poglicherweise keinen Inhalt an, bewhl er active ist en Text anyway Bilder be copied.
  • To-do list Behoben: Bei der Auswahl von „Taskleiste automatically ausblenden“ shows the Suchfeld as symbol and not as Suchfeld.
  • Datei Explorer Behoben: Es kann more Abstand zwischen den Elementen im linken Bereich vorhanden sein als erwartet.
    Behoben: The Suchfield is closed, but the Date-Explorer-Window is small.

As soon as the update performs the following functions and operations, these updates will be carried out for all eingeführt.

  • Datei Explorer Behoben: Beim Click on the schaltfläche “More information” while the menu was a fact after a while, it was possible that the menu changed after the position of the data explorers vom Bildschirm.
  • HTML applications (HTA) Behoben: HTA-Optional Components (OC) are available in ARM64 Windows PE version.
  • Task manager Behoben: The Benutzerseite can be executed, the Task-Manager can no longer respond when the Tastatur is used.
  • Graphics Device Interface Plus (GDI+) Behoben: Bilddateien properties cannot be demolished with GDI+.
    Behoben: Skalierung ist fehlerhaft, wenn Bilder in GDI+ new kodiert.
  • RAW format image Behoben: These images were reported in the incorrect Ausrichtung.
  • Export of diagram objects Behoben: An app is no longer available when exporting diagrams in PDF and XLSX format.
  • Maus and Xbox Game Bar Behoben: The Maus can detach from the playing field when more monitors are used and the Xbox Game Bar is used and closed.
  • support.microsoft

Manual download of KB5046740 (updated on 21.11.2024)

Windows 11 Tutorials and Hilfe


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