Stand-up comedy
Ihre Witze tun wirklich all weh
Adrienne Iapalucci no longer has political opinions. That’s the way it is, that man doesn’t laugh at all, without any doubts, you think: Was that a good idea?!
Published at 3:46 PM
Watch the New Yorker Comedy film and jetzt with your own Netflix Special: Adrienne Iapalucci.
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“Ukraine is America’s Stepchild, Israel is a real species, and America’s Palestinian is transsexual. Warum? These exist, but they don’t get over spread.”
Jetzt müssen Sie wahrscheinlich first one time, because that’s fun and, Yes, there was laughter here. About the US? Israel? Palestine? Transhumans?
Willkommen in de Welt der Stand-up-Komikerin Adrienne Iapalucci. If we’ve never had a good idea, Iapalucci says this: “We look at the diesel fuel we want to use, who can start with the American economies: in the casinos.”
Bam! That’s right, that’s it, that’s not natural. Other themes in the program: Rassismus, Feminismus, Jeffrey Epstein and other Pädophile, 9/11-Opfer, Abtreibungen or Schulmassaker. Aber auch die Unterschiede zwischen den Vaginen von Rassehündinnen and Streunerinnen discussed Iapalucci. It is also the case that the general norm, political relations or common interests pose an infrastruction. It is lustful, but often so bad, the man does not laugh, is fascinated and thinks: did he graduate?!
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Of course, Iapalucci is not the first comedian, who is one of the most popular offensive comedy fronts, with his audience on the border of Zwische Humor and the common sense of the word, as it turns out: I don’t think I’ve ever been a bisschen so über Transmenschen – it’s only a matter of time before I know it. ?
Blossom: Since the common cultural camp has been grassier, the narrator of the Offensive Comedy has been happy with both seasons. Here Vertreter woke up with John Oliver or Trevor Noah. To others from the page Komiker with Ricky Gervais or Dave Chappele, who are in parolien. Result: Most games are not yet for my own Bubble. The power in the Witze erwartbar.
Adrienne Iapalucci, Bühnenname «The Dark Queen», has no meaning whatsoever in handling. The 39-year-old shoots all political pages and demonstrative ideological left to right. It is almost post Kulturkampf. With minimal facial expressions and a more monotonous tone, good comedy was still there – and the world was brought to the attention of the polarization urgently: an ort, wo thing was said, the man is no longer so good. If you enjoy yourself, you will find it increasingly difficult to enjoy and enjoy your life.
«Adrienne Iapalucci: The Dark Queen», on Netflix.
Stand-up comedy
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