An exploitation of Nord-Mayenne is condemned as mardi 20,000 euros for changes with suspension pour one pollution of eaux on September 8, 2020. A poche d’eaux blanches, the netyage of the cuves, trop pleine, a cédé and s’est déversée dans rivières attenantes sur 6.5 km. The association that accepts the protection of the water environment of Neuilly is convinced that the association that accepts the water and the protection of the water environment are also civil parties. There is an important mortality rate and the biomass that causes pollution and is demanding for the comptes. The person responsible for the exploitation is only aware of the physical body, but the GAEC (statut de l’exploitation) is a condemnation of the morale of the person. For the public, the operator calls on the bank’s protection against pollution to respond to this pollution.
“If you’re ready for a pump, you’re never ready to pour your clothes on”
“You won’t understand what I’m asking until I have the comptes quatre and après months“. The person responsible for the exploitation is a question of the barre. I have answered two questions, but I cannot make a big choice if I make reproaches. Missing part of a peu trop tarder story pour vider cette cuve, set the president for. “Pour moi, elle n’était pas pleine au moment de la rupture”respond-il, “elle a rompu pour des raisons que j’ignore encore aujourd’hui”. “J’ai une station de pompage à côté de la cuve, si j’avais été là, à ce moment-là, pour pomper, je ne serais pas la pour vous parler aujourd’hui”insure the farmer. If this happens, it is dead.
The presidential temperature: “ça, on n’en sait rien”. The lawyer for the civil parties: if you are responsible for carrying out the work fairly, you can, for example, accept the murs. “Mais ça, pardonnez-moi, les norms à respecter aux yeux de la loi, c’est au vendeur-poseur de la poche de s’en inquiéter”I reply to the defense attorney. I insist: I have not mentioned the communication that a sable is sufficient for the case and the confidential clause that signs to the communiqué of documents of justice. If you use an argument for defense, you are being exploited install a new pochewith the murder of the seller, it is better to make a call that deviates from justice.
“Les absences are tortuous, but they are still doomed to take care of their professionnels and are able to install them in the same way as the audience”termine l’avocat de la defense. As regards the compensation of the civil parties, the tribunal made a decision on the quashing of civil cases.
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