The Defense Minister has gained insight into the SPD Chancellor candidacy and now has a position of power for Olaf Scholz.
After a debate in the SPD, Foreign Minister Boris Pistorius has cleared the way for a new Chancellor candidacy of Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz. Seine Video botschaft im Wortlaut:
“Love Genossinnen, love Genossen, love Friends, love Friends. If you want to leave a section and faction leader, it is not the case that the government will use the candidacy of the Amt des Bundeskanzlers. It is my sovereignty, my personal and entirely own Entscheidung. I think it’s in the world to see concrete and sage, it’s all in German.
We live with Olaf Scholz, a reclaiming Bundeskanzler. There is a clean für normal time that will increase the cost of part of the party by the perhaps greater criticism of the years they are filled. In a Zeit, in the world in which Krisen, Spannungen and Krieg are the best world, in a Zeit, in the wieder Krieg in Europe, it is true that Ukraine, with Germany, has the largest Unterstützer in Europe. Under his responsibility, Deutschland is a loser and a bigger NATO-Bündnis partner. Olaf Scholz is in favor of the economy and prosperity, and that is the time in which he lives, in the world of the Umbrüche and the populist, gefährlicher fear for the democracy world of special bedeutung. Olaf Scholz is a stronger Kanzler under his right Kanzler candidate.
And as Genossens, as Genossen, the discussionen are a candidate candidate in the processes that Wochen has for zunehmende Verunsicherung in the SPD and for irritation among the Wählerinnen and Wählern-sorted. It’s some of the damage I experienced 48 years ago. If this debate hasn’t started yet, it never went well and I brought my nieces into the discussion. If you are in the Verantwoortung, this debate has started, but it has become a fact.
It has become a fact that it is true that my Minister of Foreign Affairs has worked for a few years in January: the Amt des Verteidigungsministers is for my little Karriere-Sprungbrett, so who is for a few meierinnen or foregoing cases is allowed. I have the impression that the Truppe broadcast has happened and it is so hard. And I have geschlossen the Arbeit and the Truppe in its Herz. Such a work is neither bad nor bad. I will see fortresses. Es neither gibt nor fell zu tun.
I was in the camps of Wochen with a camp for a strong social democracy, for the dissatisfaction of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, for a secure and democratic Germany. It became a natural phenomenon with the full humidity for my Bundestagsmandat camps and it became more grim for our Bundeswehr and our common security machine. I am a Defense Minister with them, I was better will, was better for our safety, nor fruitful. I’m happy with a fresh Amtszeit. Dear Genossins, dear Genossen, may have made an effort as an SPD during that period of government. There may be more, one of the people who are besserned in the land of the land. Deswegen meine Bitte: Kämpfen met gemeinsam en geschlossen für een zweite Amtszeit our sozialdemokratische Bundeskanzlers Olaf Scholz. Vielen Dank – Auf geht’s.”
Awesome article
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