Keep the paper on the card with a price of 51.85 euros. With the start of the major trading stages, the price is 51.20 Euro lower than the pressure.
I compare the Schlusskurs with a minus of 1.25%. For a profitable forecast, the future trading volume is not yet extended.
The offer is 28.72 euros under 52 weeks, which is 71.83 euros. The 52-Wochen-Tief betrug 50.75 Euro.
Not because of the Mitarbeiterzahl von 166,056 (Stand: 2022) Mercedes-Benz Group ranks on Platz 8 in the most German Börsenindex. The financing of car repairers from Stuttgart of 55.47 million euros has resulted in a 3.10% weight in the cuts Dax. Am my weight (Streubesitz-Marktkapitalisierung) in Dax haben JUICEdie Deutsche Bank and Siemens. In December 2022, the Mercedes-Benz Group AG was able to end costs of an amount of 111.60 billion euros and a profit of 14.81 billion euros.
Dates: EOD Historical data / Status: Freitag, November 22, 2024, 10:55 AM
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