The Stellantis-Konzern is equipped with a new STLA-Small-Plattform platform with a signaler on the Kurs. Konzernchef Carlos Tavares has received the description, which follows the fertigstellung 2025 or the spatestens zum Jahresbegin 2026. 2026 sollen auch die first Vehicle vom Tire rolls.
Stellantis combines more like a Dutzend Marken on a Dach – the Fertigstellung a new platform with enormous possibilities. For STLA small gold plated tie in lower dimensions, the platform is so conzipiert, that from A- (zB Smart Fortwo, VW Up) to zum C-Segment (zB VW Golf) everything is possible. Hybrid is one of the most important features of the pure Stromer.
Who Coach reports that Stellantis chief Carlos Tavares has given journalists a prompt statement in Aussicht. The platform became “high water” in 2025 or started operating in 2026 a year ago. The first phase was carried out based on production in 2026. Another Mark or another model is if Debüt trades, but Tavares is still unaware.
Stellantis platforms include Bandbreite plates
Bisher is intended, the STLA is small with a length of 3.6 meters and a knit of 1.7 meters with a length of 1.7 meters. Zum Vergleich: An active VW Polo is 4 meters in length and 1.75 meters in width. The battery capacity has a capacity of 37 and 82 kilowatts. If the Leistung has a mind of 94 PS. The price is also worth more than Stellantis. The price of 20,000 euros is gold plated as the limit for an attractive E-Kleinwagen.
Stellantis has the Smart Car platform, which provides a flexible solution for how Zahl Automobiles from China responds to car purchasing. The first phase, which is based on basic production, is the Citroen ë-C3 .
Während sich Smart Car in Stellantis-Portfolio is one of STLA Small einordnet, stehen STLA Medium, STLA Big and STLA Frame darüber. If the specialization on the Fahrzeuggrößen and your Leistung is a regional matter, this is a fact. So let the frame platform with its equipment for large SUVs and trucks use the American market and the Marken Dodge and RAM. STLA Small is a day of a truly European signal.
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