(Photo: Business Wire)
PARIS, November 21, 2024–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Dental monitoringfrom the market researcher on the selective orthopedic software of the US Intelligence Community (AI), which has carried out a software update that has updated the functions and indications based on the new regulations during the US-US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in May shown 2024 aführt. The Fernüberwachungslösung of DentalMonitoring, the weltweit of Kieferorthopäden zur Optimierung der clinical versorgung eingesetzt wird, nutzt weisende Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen zur Analyzing intraoral Fernscans with the kieferorthopädic treatment. These scans are performed by the patient with the DentalMonitoring app on your smartphone and the ScanBoxpro-Handyhalter erstellt. The AI-tested software has Kieferorthopäden by the clinical indication for the recognition, verification and monitoring of the kieferorthopädischen Behandlingsfortschritts über a Remote Connection, the Entscheidungsfindung in Echtzeit zu erleichttern, a personalized treatment for possible optimization and the term planning for optimization. The power of patient treatment and clinical care for the Kieferorthopäden is smaller.
Dental monitoring There is a large clinical trial program covering 2,650 patients and 29 sites in North America, but more than 13,000 clinical cases are involved. These have been secured by the FDA, the safety and analysis of DentalMonitoring in intra-oral care and the treatment options can be validated. Now that one of the studies in the medical sector has received so much attention and patients, DentalMonitoring’s performance and innovation power was no longer supported. The FDA validates the indication of the Passivity of the Bogendrahts and the Hilfsteile, the Entfernen of Brackets, the Offnen of self-adhesive Clips, the Verlust of Ligatures, the Einsetzen and Herausnehmen of Alignern, the Einsetzen and Herausnehmen of Retainern, the Verlust of Buttons or other Attachments, schwarze Dreiecke, das Schließen von Extraktionslücken, Mittellinienabweichung, das Schließen von Frontzahnlücken, Tiefbiss, offener Biss, Überbiss und Eckzahnklasse. Kieferorthopäden, which are on these De Novo-Zulassung strutzen, can see more than the efficiency of its operation Dental monitoring Verlassen, um die Behandlingsfortschritte zwischen the individual Praxisterminen zu follow.
With dieser FDA-Zulassung kann Dental monitoring The innovative SmartSTL function after successful development in Europe is now being marketed in the USA. SmartSTL offers the option to activate the STL data on the DentalMonitoring Dashboard. A selection is made from the production of STL data, which is used for alignment or confirmation of retention, or an intra-oral scan of the patient is performed.
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„We are now confident that the new treatment standard in the Kieferorthopädie will follow. We have developed our knowledge and skills in deepening Deep Learning and intelligent intelligence. The new version of the DentalMonitoring software by the FDA is a heavier Meilenstein for Dental monitoring and power Dental monitoring “We are interested in the first and last information about “Software as a Medical Device” for further support for orthopedic treatment,” reports Philippe Salah, CEO and Supporter of DentalMonitoring.
DentalMonitoring sets Kieferorthopaden useful clinical data and has no experience whatsoever for the kieferorthopadic treatment. Dental monitoring ist for the treatment in patients over 6 years individualized and postponed for the treatment of bleibenden zähnen geeignet.
Uber DentalMonitoring:
Dental monitoring Treibt the global transformation of the Kieferorthopädie through a modern, KI-understützte Plattform foran. If you see that this is the case, Kieferorthopäden offers a prize Tools for real editing and separation finding and the hand you can use. Ensure healthcare and patient care optimize treatment and high work, efficiency and personalization of orthopedic products.
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Celine Cendras-White
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