Google Docs: Dark mode activated – so good

Google Docs: Dark mode activated – so good

  1. Google Docs: Dark mode activated – so good

The dark mode is a credible feature, with the low dilution function, which makes your eyes shine – under the light scenes. To enable dark mode on the desktop and in the Google Docs app, you can click here.


In Google Docs dark mode on the desktop, you can use a browser view. Those who have the feature can be displayed in Google Chrome.

Follow the message Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung or watch themselves die Kurzanleitung An.

1. Schritt:

In Chrome, right click on that Three-Punkte-Menu and then “Erweiterungen“. Then click on “Chrome Web Store pleases“.

Follow the message Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung or watch themselves die Kurzanleitung An.

1. Schritt:

Check out the Google Docs app and tip it Burger Menu oben left.

  1. Click on Google Chrome to right click on that screen Three-Punkte-Menu.
  2. Anschließend gehen Sie unter “Erweiterungen“auf”Chrome Web Store pleases“.
  3. In der Suchleiste geben Sie “Google Docs Dark Mode“Ein.
  4. Click on the computer, install wool and then click “Hinzufügen“.
  5. Offen Go to Google Docs.
  6. Then right click on “Erweiterungen“.
  7. You can run the display for Dark Mode directly “Anpins” or a few clicks.
  8. In your current window click on View “On“, uhm the dark mode is activated.
  1. Tip View the links in the Google Docs app Burger Menu.
  2. Anschließend öffnen Sie die “Installations“.
  3. Danach tipping Sie auf “Design auswählen“and then on”Dunkel“, uhm the dark mode is activated.



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